Tied To You- Beau

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You would be lying if you said that there had never been a day that Beau had annoyed the fuck out of you. They were few and far between, but apparently you were due for the next one because from the moment you two had woken up this morning, your oh-so-lovely boyfriend had decided that he was going to grumble and snipe and whine. He practically pushed you out of the front door once the boys had text to say they were on their way over and luckily you had already arranged to go shopping with your sister, otherwise you would have been left to wander the streets for a few hours. Now you were back home, regardless of whether Beau wanted you to be or not, and you almost wished you hadn't bothered coming back.

You shouldn't really be so surprised, the boys weren't exactly known for being all that worried about the mess they make while their minds are filled with Fifa, pizza and beer. So you probably should have expected the state your living room was in when you got back; empty pizza boxes and bags of chips were scattered around the room, along with an array of empty beer bottles spread around like home accessories you never wanted. The room smells of greasy food and sweaty boy and you can't help but wrinkle your nose a little as you stand in the doorway, arms folded across your chest and your shopping bags on the floor at your feet. They obviously hadn't heard you come in, since they've continued the rather in-depth conversation they were having about you and Beau's sex life when you came through the front door.

"Does she actually like it though?" Luke asks, you can't see his face from here but his voice tells you that he's having a hard time believing whatever Beau had told them before you'd arrived.

"She loves it!" Beau answers, nodding his head, "She's always begging me to let her suck it."

You can't help but roll your eyes at that, because of course he sounds like an excitable puppy that can't believe his luck while bragging to his mates. Normally, talk of your sex life wouldn't bother you so much, you were pretty comfortable with all of that, but the mess you've arrived too plus Beau's behaviour earlier had sparked a flare of annoyance and so you found your temper rising marginally at his ongoing lack of consideration.

"I've never heard her beg for it." Jai scoffs, his fingers smashing at the buttons on his controller as he turns his body sharply to the left, as if that's going to help whatever he's doing in the game.

"Me either." Daniel giggles, "Though I'd quite like too." He adds, which makes you raise your eyebrows in surprise.

Beau growls, kicking his leg out to catch his side, "Fuck off. She'd never beg for you, only I'm good enough."

You decide to end this now, mainly because the ridiculousness of it all was winding you up, "Is that right?" you ask. It's almost amusing when all their head shoot around, eyes wide and mouths twisted into grimaces. Both Luke and Jai are blushing which makes you feel somewhat better.

"(Y/N)." Beau's mouth spreads into a smirk, "Didn't hear you come in."

"Evidently." You shake your head at him and he knows immediately that you're not best pleased. "This place is a mess." You walk towards them, pointing unnecessarily towards the piles of crap lying around.

He just shrugs, "I'll sort it later." He says, which is just his way of saying he'll leave you to do it.

Sighing heavily, you mutter a sarcastic, "Sure you will." under your breath, though it's obvious they would have heard. Beau rolls his eyes at you, his mouth twisted in a way that makes your cheeks flush with anger.

You take a step back and head into the kitchen, giving yourself some space because you didn't want to start any kind of argument with the boys here. That wouldn't be fair on them. You preoccupy yourself by looking through the cupboards for something to ease the niggle of hunger in your stomach and sticking the kettle on so that you can make yourself a coffee. You're stirring steaming, dark nectar and chewing on the remainder of a chocolate biscuit when Beau calls in from the living room, just the sound of his voice enough to irk you now, which wasn't a good sign at all.

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