Tasty Treats- Daniel

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"Baaaabe" silence. "Baaaaabe come here".

I sighed as I got up from the couch and made my way towards Daniel who was in the kitchen. Making cupcakes. At least that's what he said he was doing, but when I rounded the corner and saw him, I couldn't help but laugh.

"It's not funny." Daniel pouted while I continued to laugh at the state of the kitchen and his face. He was covered in what I was assuming to be flour. Which also happened to be all over the floor and kitchen counters.

"Actually, it kind of is funny. How did you manage to get flour everywhere except for the bowl?" I raised my hand over my mouth to try and hold back some of the laughter but didn't succeed in the slightest. Daniel had insisted he knew how to bake cupcakes and could do it by himself. And for no other reason other than to see if he actually could do it, I had agreed to stay out of the kitchen unless he called for me. To my surprise he had lasted longer than I thought he would. Even though it had only been about nine minutes.

"It just kind of exploded. I swear it has a mind of its own!" he threw his arms above his head and leaned back against the counter. Daniel picked up a wet rag and wiped his face off while I wiped the counters. Still laughing softly.

"I'm sorry I made a mess. I really thought I could make them by myself." Daniel let out a deep sigh as he ran the rag over his face one more time.

"Daniel it's okay. It's not that big of a deal." I bumped my shoulder against his and peeked up at him to see him frowning. "Hey. We can start over. And this time I'll help."

At this his lips turned up in a small smile and he nodded. "Alright."

The small gesture made me smile in return. It never ceased to amaze me how quickly Daniel could go from being sad to being happy again. The smallest of gestures could make his whole day better and sometimes I envied that about him. Even when he was in a bad mood he could find something that made him smile, even if it was just a little bit. I loved that about him.

Once we had all of the flour cleaned up I looked around to see what he had out already and smiled to myself. He had everything he needed. The only thing he was lacking was the patience to get it all in the bowl.

"Okay, hand me the bag of flour." I watched him from the corner of my eye while I grabbed the measuring cup, smiling when I saw him glaring at the bag of white powder. "It's not going to bite you" I giggled as he picked it up. But I might.

"You don't know that! This thing is evil. Evil I tell ya!" both of his eyebrows shot up as he handed me the bag, making me laugh as I opened it up and scooped out some flour before putting it into the large mixing bowl.

Once I had the right amount of flour in the bowl I sealed the bag back up and handed it back to Daniel who had a confused look on his face.

"What?" I laughed as he placed the bag back into one of cupboards before turning back to me and crossing his arms over his chest.

"I didn't know you had to use one of the measuring cups to do that." he sighed before leaning back against the counter and smiling down at me. "Who taught you how to do that?"

I laughed again before answering him. "The food network." I said as I grabbed the eggs and cracked two of them into the bowl, stirring it in while Daniel watched. "Can you hand me the vanilla?"

I continued stirring as he picked up the tiny bottle and examined it, and it gave me an idea. This was my chance to get back at Daniel for scaring me all week. I loved Halloween and everything about it. Everything except being scared. It was my least favorite thing in the world and Daniel thought it was hilarious, taking every chance he got to jump out from around the corner to scare me.

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