Celebrating the Dead (7)

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We rode into a desolate and quiet town. Dust rolled across the stone steps and into homes whose doors or windows had swung open in the wind. The only sound you heard were horses trotting and the wind flowing past your face.

As we neared the stables, I could hear the sighs of men behind myself. Everyone was tired and filled with grief. We lost almost more than half of our men. I could not even imagine what their wives and children were going through.

I led Roheryn into her stable and hopped down. I helped Merry down and started to unsaddle her. I mounted her saddle and reins on the wall and began to brush her down with straw. She whinnied and Aragorn came around the corner.

"You scared us," I said with a slight laugh.

"I came to help, but I see you need none," he said with a smile.

"I've watched you do it enough times to figure it out. I'm stronger now, remember?" I asked.

He didn't respond. He just stood there and stared at me as I brushed Roheryn. I didn't bring the conversation up again. It was obvious he still blamed himself for my death. I will get him to see that it wasn't someday.

I set the straw down, patted Roheryn, and gave her a kiss on her nose. She leaned into me as if to say she loved me too. I smiled, backed out, and shut the gate behind me. I expected Aragorn to be right beside me, but he wasn't. I looked around and he wasn't even in the stables.

I walked out and let my eyes adjust to the bright moon shining down. A hand suddenly grabbed mine and I turned towards who it was. His eyes met mine and all the worry I had for those few moments faded.

"Why did you leave?" I asked.

"I, I don't know. I just needed to be outside and let my mind wander," he said.

"Not all those who wander are lost. You and I are not lost. If there is anything you need to tell me, tell me. You are my home," I said.

Before he could say anything, someone called for him from behind us. I looked past him and saw a soldier standing at the top of the stairs.

"You are needed. I will be around," I said.

I leaned forward and gave him a kiss on the cheek. He squeezed my hand and walked away. I took in a deep breath wandered around and found a spot to sit down and relax. I scooted a few barrels out of the way, took my backpack off, and sat in my hidden nook.

I pulled out my phone and, surprisingly, it was still alive. I figured it would have died by now, if not from when I fell down the falls. I opened my photos and looked at my family. Tears started to form in my eyes. I will never see them again. I will never get to hear their voices again. I left them. I shut my phone off, laid my head in my lap, and cried quiet tears.

I wiped them away and left my hiding spot. As I crept away, someone rushed up behind me and pulled me into a tight hug. My hands reached for my blades for just a second, but I knew who it was and relaxed. He let me go and I turned around to playfully punch him in the shoulder.

"How did you find me so quickly?" I asked.

"Your black hair gives you away," said Boromir with a smile.

"Oh, right," I said with a smile and a laugh.

We walked side by side back to the hall. We chatted and made jokes. I could feel the eyes of onlookers, but what they saw was not true. I did not have feelings for him, except that of a love of a brother and he knew it too.

As we approached the hall, we split up and I scanned it for Aragorn. I spotted him next to Éowyn. She was quite obviously flirting with him, but it looked like I was the only one that noticed.

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