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I found a very interesting article. It's titled M-Chips are having negative affects on people and it's about how the waves inside of the chips are creating them to act crazy.

Which got me thinking, what are they even made out of?

M-chips are made of electronic circuits in a slice (or pure silicon) in a layer-by-layer process.

None of that seems bad, but maybe it's the body that isn't having great reactions to it.

All of the sudden the television's volume in Cafe Reggae was suddenly louder.

"New singer, Elvis, was singing in the Concert Center about his best friend who he was confessing his love to. After the performance, while he was surrounded by the press, the fire alarm went off. Elvis then disappeared and so did the girl he was singing about. More information at 6pm. Also, Jonathan Lowlight, from somewhere in the Outside, as been welcomed into our town..." the newscaster said. I stopped listening because I was too worried about Karrie and Elvis. Were they missing?

I closed my laptop and stuffed it into my bag. 

I may not like having friends, but if I know someone and I think they are in danger, I'll try my best.

I jogged over to the Concert Center. Some old lady was singing a song about pizza. I would listen for laughs, but maybe another time.

I went over to one of the booths that was advertising ice cream and asked if they saw them. They said no.

I looked around. There was no way I was checking in that crowd. People are so annoying.

Maybe they're behind the stage?

I ran over to behind the stage. I looked around and saw a couple kissing in a tree, so I thought there was no way I was staying here. There could be other couples! Ew.

I whirled around and started looking in the forest near the stage when I ran straight into someone.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry!" I exclaimed.

"No worries," she said, "Why are you in the forest?"

"I'm looking for my fr- I mean acquaintance. She's gone missing," I explained.

"I'm looking for my brother!" She exclaimed.

"I'm Jazz," I said holding my hand out for her to shake.

"Cleffa," she said, shaking my hand.

"Oh like a music note? Treble clef?" I asked.

"No, like the Pokémon," she responded sarcastically.

"What's a Pokémon?" I asked her. "Mon like Monday? Poking on Monday?"

She laughed, even though I had no idea what was so funny. When she saw I want laughing, she stopped.

"Never mind," she sighed, shaking her head.

"What's your brothers name?" I asked.

"Elvis," she muttered, looking down.

"The singer dude? I'm looking for the girl he's with, Karoke! Well, we know they'd be together. Let's look together," I suggested, glad I wouldn't have to do this alone.

But at the same time I was okay with being alone. She was a little strange. Like seriously what is a Pokémon?!

"Okay!" She exclaimed.

We started walking around.

"How old are you?" I asked her.

"Sixteen, and you?" She replied.


"Aw I see. More of Elvis' age group."


We walked in silence for about 5 minutes, looking around and peeking behind trees. Nothing.

"Have you checked behind the stage? Elvis goes there sometimes when he needs to think," Cleffa said. Her brown hair got in her eyes so she swiped it away.

"Yea, all I saw was a couple making out in a tree," I shrugged it off, "Nasty!" I whispered.


"What?" I asked, confused.

"That was probably them! The news said he confessed his love to her and they are best friends."

"Oh duh!" I face palmed. I can't believe I passed them. I'm such an idiot! What made me think I could be a doctor if I couldn't figure out that silly mistake.

"Lets go!" Cleffa said, waving her arm as a gesture that said come on.

"Right," I muttered, still annoyed how I saw them and didn't realize that it was them. UGH. We jogged over to the area behind the stage.

"They were in that tree!" I pointed. Nobody was there.

"Gosh darnit!" Cleffa said a little too loud.

"Well you saw them, so they are probably okay. They probably went home, or to one of their houses if you know what I'm saying," she wiggled her eyebrows. I rolled my eyes.

"Ew, gross," I shuddered at the thought. "Thanks for the mental picture."

"Anytime," she winked. I rolled my eyes again.

"Well, I'm going to go back to Cafe Reggae and continue my work. See you later!" I waved.

"Bye!" She responded.

Then, we parted ways.

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