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"Welcome to Radio Town! Would you like to book your first doctor's appointment to get an M-Chip installed?" A lady working at the entrance asked.

I was dressed in a very long trench coat and a fedora.

I know, typical detective style. Except for the fact I was not a detective, but my job isn't that important.

Actually it is, but it's classified. Not the point.

"Lady, I do not want anything. Just tell me where I will be staying," I said sternly.

"Okay," she said, too perky. I rolled my eyes at her. Then, she used her computer to look up empty houses, I guess. I don't know, the computer was facing her. Why would I know that? Jeez.

"Where are you from?" She asked.

"I'd rather not say," I responded, looking at the wall that had a poster of... want to guess? No? A microphone. I put on my sunglasses and looked away. Why should she care where I'm from?

"Your new house is 6 Stereo Road. Here are your keys," she said handing them to me. She seemed like she didn't care I didn't answer her question, which was okay with me.

"Thanks," I replied robotically. I hate this town. There's always music playing somewhere and music is so annoying. Especially repetitive people or people who just plain suck even though they think they are good and-

"Jon? Your bike is parked in spot Treble Clef- 4," she said handing me a map.

"Treble Clef-4? Bike?!" I asked, hating this town even more. Bikes are so childish! I mean, cars are so boss.

"Treble Clef means the second section in the building and your bike is on bike rack 4," she explained.

"Okay..." I responded. I walked away, dangling the keys. It was making a very noisy sound, like I cared. I hope I annoyed the lady.

"You're welcome," she muttered. I whirled around in annoyance. My hat almost fell off, but I caught it like a boss.

"Excuse me? Do you want to take that back missy?" I stormed towards her, holding onto my knife in my pocket. I pointed at her with my other hand.

"Sorry," she winced. I gave her a long hard look.

"You better be, I don't have time for morons like you," I said. Then I started towards the door that led into bike rack room. She muttered something else, but I didn't hear it so it didn't bother me.

I hate bikes. Cars are so much cooler, I thought. I groaned.

I hopped on the bike.

And smoother. And more comfortable. There is nothing good about bikes. Who cares about the environment?! I'm just here to do my job.

I saw a helmet there for me resting on the handlebar, but I just I threw it on the ground. Who needs that pointless trash?! Ugh.

I rode my bike down to Stereo Road and counted the houses until I got to six. I had no trouble finding it, I'm very good with knowing my way around.

When I arrived at house number 6, I noticed something excellent. The house was painted black.

"This is way more my style!" I exclaimed aloud. I smiled, and then cleared my throat. I was not about to be noticed by neighbors. Especially with me doing something so childish. Sometimes, I was so disappointed in myself.

I walked up the door, swinging the keys on my finger.

I unlocked the door. Inside the house was a couch and a television. There was a kitchen with a working stove and refrigerator. The bedroom had a king sized bed with black sheets. Thank goodness they didn't have music notes on them!

Looks like the last people left everything good about this house, I thought. I grinned.

I put my bag down on the couch and opened it up. I grabbed some documents out and read them. At the end, it said get it done ASAP. Guess I should do my job...

I rolled my eyes. Bossman couldn't do things on time to save his life, why should I? I snorted.

I put the documents back in the bag, slung the bag over my shoulder, and left my house. I made sure to lock the door behind me.

How do I do this without being suspicious? I thought. Oh well, it's not like they'll notice me. They're too obsessed with sounds to see me.

Boy was I wrong. And I'm rarely wrong.

A Disease that is also the CureDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora