1. Secrets

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Here's what you guys wanted, a sequel! I really hope ALLL of you like it and continue being fans and read this story:) updates may not be as often but I'll try to make them longer okay?


-ily xx

Cameron's P.O.V

"Cameron you ... how'd you get over the breakup?" A nervous fan asked.

I knew it would come sooner or later, I'm just glad it wasn't asked right away. "You can spend minutes, hours, days, weeks, or even months over-analyzing a situation; trying to put the pieces together, justifying what could've, would've happened... Why it happened. You can be so invested in it that you forget about reality and just spend to much damn time on it. You drop everything you're doing and barely eat, sleep or do anything in general.

... or you can just leave the pieces on the floor and move the fuck on.

You must not spend so much time on something. It didn't happen for a reason. And now after a little over a full year I finally see that. The relationship that broke me also made me the person I am today, it made me stronger, wiser. It made me realize it's not always going to work the way you want it to, but you know what? At the end of the day I'm glad it didn't. I wouldn't be where I am today if it wasn't for that, I wouldn't be with all of you. Well I would but not as invested in all of you" I finished telling the crowd that was silent to hear my speech. It took a lot of nerve for me to say everything, I wasn't sure if I would brake down or what would happen. Soon they all began clapping, yelling my name out. I smiled at all of them, THEY were the love of my life, they were all my girlfriends.

Nash and Matt patted my back sending warm smiles, they had really been there for me through all this shit. All of them were. Aaron was as much as he could be but with him still living with his mom it was harder. Aaron was now the only one not to be living in then 'Magcon' house. That was until August. With it being may we counted down the months for that.

The question portion of the day ended, it was now time for photos which we all gladly took with each fan we could.

"Can I no never mind" a girl around 15 said timidly

"No tell me babe" I asked

"I was gunna ask for a piggy back picture but I'm too fat" she said looking down, my eyes opened in shock

"Never say that again!" I scolded

"Why it's true!" She shot with glossy eyes

I kneeled down so I would be looking up at her, "no you're not. You're perfect the way you are! Now I don't want my girlfriend being sad, please cheer up and get on my back" I said wiping away the tears as they dropped. She gently got on top of me, I stood up easily and smiled as someone took the photo.

"You're as light as a feather!" I complimented

She nuzzled her face in the crook of my neck and giggled.


We all sat around in the living room of our house, with Aaron staying the weekend because of the tour we were going to make the best of it.

"We could all make a vine!" Carter suggested

"Something thirsty like you" Taylor snickered

"No a dancing one!" Gilinsky said

"Not everyone can dance" Nash frowned

"Singing!" Shawn smiled

"Not everyone can sing" Jack said

"How about Shawn, Jack, and Carter do the the beat and singing. Taylor raps along. The rest of us do our best attempt to dance" Matt offered

"What song?" I questioned

"Gas petal" Aaron laughed

"I call recording so I don't embarrass myself" Nash called out

We began practicing a simple dance routine we could all do, we repeated it until we were almost sure no one would mess it up. While the others prepared the beat/song. Once everything was well we recorded and uploaded it. Instantly we got tons of likes. The benefit of being vine famous, one like cought my eyes although


I clicked on their profile to see it was only Cole and Baylor doing this now, they did the farewell video for John Stephen. I was surprised he stopped, but when your going to college and have an amazing girlfriend it's harder. So I understood his decisions.

All of a sudden my phone rang, as did the other boys. A message from Bart saying we were to do a photoshoot tomorrow with a new photographer from Las Vegas.

All the boys looked up at me and had this look to them which I couldn't decide.

"What?" I questioned

"Umm cam.." Taylor began with Matt interrupting him

"Nothing! Can't wait for the photoshoot" he laughed nervously as the other boys joined

"Well we should spend the rest of the day having fun knowing tomorrow" Jack said stopping before he could finish his sentence.

It was obvious they were hiding something, something in the text they all received.. But me. I had no clue what it could be but it had to be with something tomorrow. I wanted to know but I knew I wouldn't be able to get it out of any of then no matter how much I tried.

I focused my attention back on to the conversation the group had. I joined in making my side comments and laughing along.

But all I could think of was what tomorrow held and what they were hiding.

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