7. Rain

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Ahh sorry I've been so fucking busy lately!

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Please don't comment to update it gets annoying, like I do when I have free time

-ily xx

Tiffany's P.O.V

I silently sat on the bed provided for me as my nurse checked everything one last time. Today I was to be released. Any moment now Nash would arrive for me and take me to the 'Magcon' house as he called it. I would be surrounded with people i got along with really well. Nash hoped this would be good for me, he although knew barely any details. I was stressed and restless, I had tried to sleep but couldn't. The fact I had to face it myself was something I couldn't Handel just yet.

My dreams and reality had both been mixed, I was not sure which I rather have been in. I wasn't even sure if I could call it 'dreams' as they seemed more like nightmares. My mind tortured me constantly, reminding me of the events I rather not remember. If I could cry I would, but my tears had all already fallen. More refused to come out as I had none left. I felt that was the worst crying. Crying with no tears.

Braking me from the trance "You're all ready to go" the cheerful nurse told me

"Thank you" I silently said above a whisper. My throat had been dried and I was not able to speak well.

Her rosy cheeks and slightly tanned skinned reminded me when I was in full health. Now I just envied the young nurse. Her long brown hair in a braid running down her back was something I would do to. But now looking in any reflective area I could see I had not looked like that, but instead I looked horrid. Like I had just gone through maybe even a tornado.

Nash's P.O.V

I knocked on the room number I was given for where Tiffany occupied. I was worried, not knowing all the details was stressful. Knowing the basics was enough and I knew the story was horrible. I entered the room to see the pale girl I called bestfriend years before. Her face had no color and compared to the nurse next to her she had looked like shit to put it bluntly.

She quickly rushed over to me and engulfed me in what I assumed was a 'tight' hug. She had most likely been weak, I couldn't blame her. I wrapped my arms around her slowly trying not to hurt her.

"Nash I'm not hurt physically" she whispered

I laughed and hugged her tighter twirling her around not to fast. She grabbed her few items and we checked out of the damn hospital with already to much bad memories for the girl next to me.

It had been obvious she stayed up crying whether it was over the fact he cheated or the fact he left I would not know as I would not bring it up. I knew Tiffany well enough not to bring it up. We got in the car and had a silent ride. Since it was still early in the morning I had planed to go back to sleep when we would arrive.

Once home I opened the door for her, "I'm going back to bed" I informed

"Can I.. Can I sleep with you" she almost pleaded, I nodded my head and lead her to my room. We got under the covers and cuddled. Reminding me back to the days she would get her heart broken by the same guy. Surely it wasn't as extreme as this but it did remind me how fragile she had always been. Whether she ever admitted it or not he had not been a guy to be stable, he couldn't hold it down.

She quickly drifted into sleep, I noticed as her breathing slowed down. I had been upset along side my friend. She didn't deserve to get broken, although I knew she broke Cameron she didn't deserve it 10x worse. Funny how things work like that, karma as they call it. I'm positive Cameron never wanted this. I'm sure he wished her the best. And as I drifted off into sleep I realized;

Life really never goes the way we want it to.

Cameron's P.O.V

At noon I had eaten lunch with Nash as all the other boys went out to give us time to settle Tiffany down.

"Is she still sleeping?" I asked in hopes I could finally have the long discussion I had wanted to have.

"I don't know you can check?" He offered after finishing his fries. I left my plate that was almost completely full and went to find her.

Walking into Nash's room I saw her, her knees brought up to her chest and her head resting on them. She was pale and looked as all her color had been drained. Her hair had been all over the place and she wore a baggy shirt, Nash's I Assumed. Or maybe even John Stephens. I sat across from her crossing my legs.

She finally looked up at me, her eyes had looked dead, I was not use to seeing the girl I had loved like this. And yet she was still the most beautiful girl I had ever seen

"Wanna talk about it?" I offered

She shook her head saying no and I didn't blame her,

"Than can we talk about what happened to us?" I tried

"Yea" she said quietly

"I still, I still don't understand" I told her refusing to look her in the eyes.

"Hurting you wasn't my intention, loving you was" she said clearly

"Then why didn't you love me?" I asked

"I did love you, I loved you so much" she reassured me

"Then why did we end?" I questioned

"For some odd reason I thought John Stephen would be better for me. I don't know why I thought that. You had your flaws but yet you were the most amazing person I had ever met." She sighed

I finically looked up at her and her eyes burned into mine. Both leaning in we sealed the kiss.

Our lips had been so distant for months, the feeling had been foreign. If I tried to remember the kisses we shared before this one, I couldn't. I could only remember the joy I had. My heart ached for this. Although I knew she didn't mean anything by this as she had just gotten her heart broken I couldn't help but feel a void covered up. The girl I love had been broken and at her weakest point. Cheated on and left alone by her fiancé. Ontop of all that she was baring his child.

The feeling that had came afterwards was guilt. I shouldn't have let her kiss me, she was needy and wanted to just get pleasure. She wasn't satisfied with me before why would she be now? But like the selfish bastard I am, I went in for another kiss. Earning her lips moving in sync with mine.

Pulling away I placed my forehead against hers. My breathing hitched and my heart pounded against my chest. Her deep breaths had continued and tears ran down her face. Grabbing ahold of me she sobbed into my shirt. All the pain she had, I felt as well. I couldn't bare to see the girl of my dreams break down over some guy who did her wrong. I couldn't bare to see her crying every night. I held her tightly and whispered soothing words into her ears. Hoping everything would be okay, not knowing the outcome. It can't rain forever though, right?

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