11. Never to late

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Ahhh sorry guys! My watt pad has been very fucked up and it doesn't show when I update so I thought something was the matter but I checked on my iPad and it's updating fine! :)

Sorry for not updating often!

Also if your hating me for choosing abortion just realize not everything in life is beautiful.

I've been home for the past 3 days on acc of a stomach ache, not to sure if it's just the stomach flue or not :(

Vote/ comment please <3

- love you so fucking much xx

Tiffany's P.O.V

Walking into the MAGCON house after my appointment was a little like the walk of shame. I had my head down the whole time and was going to go straight to my room. These boys all felt like shit thanks to me, they didn't deserve that.

"Tiffany! I saved another life!" Matt said cheerfully over the phone

I smiled at my friend, of course he wasn't able to see it but I was happy. He said lives on a daily basis whether he knew it or not.

And now here I was ending the life of the fetus that grew in my womb. I couldn't look Matt in the eyes, he provably hated me. Hated me so much. His life has been dedicated to saving people anyways he can and here I am doing the opposite.

Tears began to form at my eyes as I quickly tried to make my way across the living room just to trip on the carpet. I swore loudly as I hit the floor. All 8 boys rushed to me.

"Are you okay?!" Carter yelled feeling my head

"Get her some water!" Nash ordered Shawn who obeyed

Cameron and Gilinsky helped me onto the couch. Matt sat cross legged by my feet looking up at me.

I couldn't bare it, I got up quickly and ran to the room crying. Locking the door behind me.

Matt's P.O.V

Watching her come into the house was hard. She was doing something not many girls would even consider, but I hadn't blamed her. Walking in she refused to make eye contact with any of us. That is until she fell. We all hurried to her rescue, as she was our girl. Watching her run to her room and lock it was even harder.

Had we been to much for her?

Cam ran his hands through his hair, he was frustrated. Nash came beside him patting his shoulder.

I finally got off the ground, getting up to get myself a glass of water.

All of us had been out of it lately. It wasn't everyday you hear your closest friend say she's getting an abortion, hell it wasn't everyday you hear the man she loved had been cheating on her with her own sister and now she was pregnant also.

I hated him, so much. How could he do this to someone like her? She didn't deserve any of this. She deserved someone better in her life... Like me. Not like that, we had no romantic spark, but someone to be there for her.

Cameron would go to hell and come back for her anyday without hesitation. She always had him.

I went to the room she had locked herself in. As I passed I heard Taylor on the phone, most likely with Aaron to fill him in. He deserved to know as she was his girl to. Tiffany LaBrant was the MAGCON girl. Everyone knew

Knocking on her door she hesitated before speaking up

"Please Cameron go away" had he tried already? I was so in my own world I hadn't noticed

"Matthew" I corrected

Soon I heard a click and the door open. She went back to her bed looking down. I sat next to her.

"Why won't you look at me?" I questioned

"Because you hate me" she cried

"No I don't!" I reassured

"You fucking save life's all the time, that's what you do, that's what you love and here I am taking someone's life" she sobbed

"I don't hate you. At all. I respect your decisions and will always support you" I told her

She broke down into full on crying, I hugged her tightly

Lately that's all she had been doing was crying instead of smiling. No girl deserved to go through this.

Cameron's P.O.V




My mind had seemed focused on one thing like always. I was lost I didn't know what to do, I couldn't always comfort her, I wanted to but it wasn't that easy.

I decided to go on twitter as I hadn't been on in awhile

'CameronDallas: what to do when I don't know what to do?:/ love you..."

Soon enough I got tons of retweets and replies. Some had been mean and some nice. My fans were my world but they were rude.

That was a lie, they weren't my world, my world was tiffany. They just meant everything to me. They weren't rude they just wanted the best for me. I decided to take a risk.

"CameronDallas: Tiffany LaBrant I love you so fucking much"

I set down my phone and went to find her crying on matts chest. I gave him a sympathetic look, he wasn't use to this. None of us were. I came in the room slowly and sat next to them.

She slowly recovered, whipping away here tears.

"I'm sorry" she sniffled

Matt excused himself, most likely to cry a bit also, his eyes had been red.

"Cameron all I feel is remorse" she whispered

"Fix the things you do feel that on" I simply said

She slowly got closer to me, inching her face slowly

"Can I?" She asked

Answering her question I crashed my lips on hers, taking in everything. The kiss hadn't been to determine dominance or anything like that. It was filled with passion. A kiss I had been use to with her. We pulled away, slight smiles on our faces

"Cameron, I'm willing to prove to you I can change and be the girl you need"

"Don't change, I fell in love with you, not some perfect girl from the movies" I teased

We hugged tightly. And in this moment everything seemed it would be okay, we would get through things... Together. The sun would shine once again. We may not be officially together but when were like this I know we can get through anything.

Or maybe I'm just some lovesick puppy?

Who knows, I'm happy as is

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