5. Hurt

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-ily xx

Tiffany's P.O.V

Darkness. Pure darkness is all I could see. I couldn't move nor speak. All I could hear was slight breathing beside me. I remember what had happened, I had stupidly token the stairs by two then tripping, banging my head, and falling backwards. I was mad at myself, I cause a tantrum over something stupid. John Stephen not letting me go out the following Friday. Maybe I was just looking for a fight, I had knew he wouldn't approve. With him being so clingy lately I didn't know why he would even agree. Cameron, he was the reason this had happened. I wanted to spend time with him, to catch up with him. Was it maybe that feelings were reappearing? Or was it that I just wanted what I use to have?

My feelings for John Stephen, I knew they weren't as strong as they were in High School. We had literally drifted apart, we were complete opposites now. I was creative and wanted to have fun. I didn't just see life as beautiful, I knew the dark side it held. While him, he sticked to the rules, to what he knew. He was raised by his parents faith, but his disobeying cause them to drift. He had tried to gain their love back slowly but with me pregnant I had not been helping at all. The marriage that had not been wanted was putting a huge toll on us too. I had needed space from him, I craved it. There was no secrets, or so I thought. Little did I know I was wrong.

My eyes fluttered open, slowly. Taking in the surroundings it was a plain room. White walls with a television hanging on the one across from me. I was laid on a hospital bed, white sheets also. It was clear to me I was in the hospital. The bed and wires hooked up to me gave it away. I looked to my side and saw John Stephen looking at me cautiously. He slowly sat up from his slouched position he had been in. He ran his large hand through his light blonde hair, his hair cut making it easier to manage. I remember the day he had gotten it, I could of sworn it was to look more like Cameron but I never said anything about it. Things were going downhill back then, within 2 weeks I found out I was pregnant. He had been walking on glass, admitting he had been talking to another girl. In what way or who she even was, I wouldn't know. Until now.

My throat was completely dry. I tried to ask for water but failed. His blood shot eyes had been confused at my asking, I had to point to his bottle on the floor. He passed it to me carefully, making sure I gripped it and would securely drink it not dropping any. It had annoyed me he had helped me as I had not been a child, I was a grown woman.

"I'm not a kid you don't have to help me" I commented once I finished the bottle, my voice recovering greatly

"I'm just trying to help" he told me, looking down. Not into my eyes.

Silence. The room was filled with silence, something I was not accustomed to.

"I have to leave LA" he said all to quickly

"And why is that?" I pushed

"You don't wanna know" he said looking up, tears brimming his eyes.

"Tell me.." I pleaded

"Remember a few months ago when I flew to San Fran?" He questioned, I nodded my head remembering that all too well. He had to leave quickly, he had not given me a reason nor date to when he would be back. I assumed it was for his job.

"I went to go see your sister.." He said, his eyes dropping

I felt a lump at my throat, my sister?

"She threatened that if I didn't go she would tell you about our hookups we had monthly. And I wanted to protect you, I didn't want you thinking I didn't love you or that you were less. Because I love you so much" he continued

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