9. Monster

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Honestly I won't be updating as often. I tend to forget to with school, my boyfriend, and my friends. I've just been busy lately.

I've also had writers block:(

Anyways, short update!

-ily xx

Tiffany's P.O.V

Slowly recovering. Two words that described me at the current situation I was in. It had been a month, the news had been broken to me, my sister was carrying the child of my fiancé, well ex fiancé now. My head still have not fully wrapped around the idea of that.

"Here" Cameron said passing me a water, snapping me out of my thoughts

I took a sip. I had been talking to them more and more, I had no longer been locked up in my temporary room they provided.

Cameron took his seat next to me as jack flipped through the channels to see what was on. He settled on a re-run of Kim and Kourtney take on New York I believe it was called. I hadn't known why he enjoyed that show, it was pure shit.

One thing I had noticed was I was maturing, my vocabulary had no longer been that of a teens. My thoughts had been focused on the baby and repaying the boys for everything they have done, especially Cameron.

My mind had also been set on Cameron for awhile now. His nice gestures and comments brightened my day. He was healing me as best as possible and I was so greatful to still have someone like him in my life.

My mind had also decided something else. I was not in fact in love with j.. Him. I felt I owed it to him for him constantly being there for me throughout my teen years. I owed it to him because I bared his child.. Well for now.

"Guys can we talk?" I asked quietly. All 8 heads directed their attention to me.

I stood up cautiously. And looked at the floor, my eyes beginning to tear.

"You all know I'm pregnant, and with a man who cheated, a man who hurt me so bad. And I've come down to two decisions, either I abort or I put it up for adoption" I finally said

Everyone was silent so I continued

"Abortion isn't so bad, if you need an example I will put you one. This isn't a baby, it is just a fetus. If you truly believed it was a baby then well if you had a baby and a fetus and you could only save one it'd be hard to choose but you know the baby should be rescued. Also I'm not so far along" I continued to mumble

The more I spoke of it, the more it seemed like the option to go.

I was young and not ready for a child. I had no clue what I would be getting myself into.

I finally looked up to see all the boys standing with glossy eyes. They engulfed me into a group hug and we just stayed there, sobbing. No words, no judgment. Just our tears filling the absentance of noise in the house minus for the tv playing in the background.

The decisions I was faced with would take time but I would have to make up my mind soon.

It seemed like the one that I was set to was Abortion... And I don't know if that marked me as a monster

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