13. won't Stop

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Cameron's P.O.V

"Have you seen Tiffany?" I asked impatiently

"Yeah she's over there on the window writing in her diary!" Carter awnsered

"ITS A JOURNAL DAMNIT!" Gilinsky corrected

I watched from the distance, she had been so invested in it. In a world of her own. I was glad she was doing her own thing, I was glad she wasn't locked up in her room.

"Let's do something tonight!" Nash whispered into my ear

"Little party?" I suggested

"Just us!" He smiled

"Ain't no party like a caniff party!" Taylor blurted out

"We got some sick beats! Okay pandora gots some!" Jack offered

I smiled. This is what we needed.

Tiffany's P.O.V

Entry #2

This is good for me. It takes my mind off things. It keeps me busy and let's me speak my mind.
I'm feeling better today, much better. My mind is clearer, not as foggy. I have a feeling, a good one. Things would get better. It can't rain forever right?
Last night Cameron thought I was asleep and spilled everything to me. I heard everything, I was speechless. I wouldn't think he'd remember our first conversation. Hell I remember it perfectly too so I can't judge.

*flash back*

"Hi Nash" I greeted hugging the blue eyed boy.

"Tiffany I am tooooo happy!" He squealed. Yeah he spends to much time with me.

"Oh yeah isn't your friend moving down here?" I asked remembering him telling me about it early this week

"Yeah Cameron! And not friend BEST FRIEND" he emphasizes best friend greatly

I fake pout, "I thought I was your best friend"

"You thought wrong!" He comes back

"Dick" I tell him while hitting him gently on the head

We continue to chat about the friend that will attend our school today that apparently we'll meet up with at school.

Once at school I see all the cliques. Jocks, Rebels, Goths, Band geeks, Asians, ect.

"Nash where are we meeting him?" I question

"Right..........." He moves 5 steps forward "here"

I roll my eyes, "I swear you're a dork"

"I tell him that all the time" I hear a male voice from behind.

He's tall, muscular, handsome. God just fuck me right here and NOW.

"CAM" Nash yells running into him jumping into his arms

"Very manly Nash" I tell him

Cameron laughs and puts him down.

"It's been way to long!" He tells Cameron

"Hell yeah I haven't seen you since fuck knows how long"

I giggle, white boys always sound funny swearing to be honest.

The bell rings and Nash asks what's his first class.

"US History" he answers

"Me to! With Mr.Adam?" I speak up

He nods his head and I smile. "Well follow me" I say snapping my fingers

"Ooooo fiesty I like that" he tells me winking.

"Don't get at my man" Nash puffs

"Nash I swear you're gay" I respond

"Only for my cam cam" he laughs hard

"Bye Nash" I say grabbing Cameron

*flash back ends*

I remember everything so clearly, as it was yesterday. But it wasn't. My thoughts had been childish I must admit, but how was I suppose to know that he would end up meaning so much to me? I remember our trip to Florida, it was suppose to be amazing. But it wasn't. Things went wrong. I kissed Nash and from then dated him. I loved Cameron I don't know why I even tried with Nash, at least I can say no regrets, right? Then when I left Cameron for John Stephen. I will never make it up to Cameron. I fucked him over, and I wish I hadn't.
But our times aren't only bad, we have our goods. We have a lot of goods. We were young and unsure of what we wanted. But I know what I want now, I want him. I love him.
And my love for him won't stop.

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