12. Bullet Proof

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Tiffany's P.O.V

Entry #1
Well I'm not good at these things, hell I never was. Maybe writing just wasn't my thing, would make sense why I am in photography. In an hour I'll be at the 'clinic', I'll no longer be pregnant, I'll no longer hold a fetus in my temple. Any regrets? Some. Not going to lie, it's hard. Hell I don't know how some girls can do this all the time. I remember in year 11 Tammy Jackson was on her 5th abortion. It was crazy and I judged her, yet here I am. I'm thankful to have all the guys with me on this. It was nice. To know people actually care and love for you.

I wiped my tears as I closed the journal. It was Gilinsky's idea to have one. He said It would help me vent and shit like that.

"Ready to go?" Matt asked helping me up from the chair.

I shared a weak smile, could anybody ever be ready for this?


I woke up and looked around, there was a 'doctor' here going over some papers. I looked at her name tag, it read Ramirez

"Dr. Ramirez?" I spoke

"Ah, you're awake! Good. Everything went well Ms.LaBrant, you can leave now. I believe a boy, Mr.Dallas is waiting in the waiting room." She told me, handing me back my clothes.

My head was dizzy, my walking was slow. I guess I couldn't expect to be in full shape and all that. I changed quickly and headed for the waiting room.

Cameron got up as soon as he saw me and gave me a big hug,

"How'd it go?" He questioned as we headed out

"Well I was knocked out but good I assume, the doctor told me it went good!" I smiled, it was fake but just to assure him.

"I think you should call him." He said as he opened my door to the car. He jogged to his side and got in.

I nodded my head and asked for his phone as mine was still broken. The number I knew by heart but as I wanted no contact I called in private.

It went to voicemail

"It's John Stephen, leave some words" it played.

I took a deep breathe, "hey it's me. Tiffany. Tiffany LaBrant. Obviously you know who I am, don't need to go into detail on our history and all that or should I? You left me here pregnant, to go attend my sister, or your 'love'. I wasn't going to tell you but I Cameron thought I should. I had an abortion, just recently. Today to be exact. So no I won't have no little you running around. I wish you the best in life, I really do" I hug up, I couldn't continue. The tears came down hard, I hadn't noticed Cameron hadn't left, we were in the same place. He pulled me into his arms, letting me cry into them.

John Stephen's P.O.V

1 new voicemail my phone had read, I just got out of the shower, the caller had been private. Something I wasn't use to.

I wrapped the towel around my waiste and put in the digits to reach my voicemail. Walking around Steph's apt. Our apt.

"hey it's me. Tiffany. Tiffany LaBrant. Obviously you know who I am, don't need to go into detail on our history and all that or should I? You left me here pregnant, to go attend my sister, or your 'love'. I wasn't going to tell you but I Cameron thought I should. I had an abortion, just recently. Today to be exact. So no I won't have no little you running around. I wish you the best in life, I really do"

I replayed it and replayed it, I couldn't believe the words being said. It hit me hard.

"What's the matter babe?" Steph asked walking into the room, our bedroom. Her baby bump very noticeable, she only had a couple months to go. Tiffany had more, but now no more

I played the message out loud for her. Her tears began to fall, hitting the floor. Everything was silent, no words were being said. Our heart beats were the only things heard.

We laid in bed, not knowing what else to do, she had sobbed herself to sleep. And right when I was about to sleep my head played

I had an abortion, just recently. Today to be exact.

It hit me hard and left me without breathe.

Cameron's P.O.V

Tiffany had gone to bed, I hadn't blamed her. Today was a big day, huge actually but not in the good way.

I was with Matt and Taylor not paying to much to their dumb conversation

"Doritos are like crack, I might even snort em" Taylor said as Matt bursted into laughter

I got up and left, I had no interest in snorting Doritos, it was gay. Or provably hurt.

I went to Tiffany's room, knocking with no answer. I went in slowly, she was sound asleep.

"Hey Tiffany. I know your sleeping and honestly this will be the only time I'll have the balls to spill my guts to you. I won't be scared or hold back." I started

"Today was a big day, not in a good way. Everything went well and you're fine though. Well physically, I'm not sure about emotionally. This was a rough year, hell it has been for all of us. We all love you, you know that? We don't hate you or judge you. I know you fear about that. I hear you crying sometimes, it makes me cry.. A lot" tears began falling

"Like now, I'm crying now. I don't like seeing you sad. Ever, because I love you. A lot. I have ever since I meet you. I remember when we meet. It was the best day ever for me. I had Nash and then bam you! An angel from heaven! I bet it hurt when you fell, provably fucked up your elbow pretty bad" I let out a small chuckle

"Do you remember our first words? I do. You told Nash I roll my eyes, 'I swear you're a dork' and then I said 'I tell him that all the time' I was walking up to the both of you. You took my breath from that instance. Then your first words to me were 'Me to! With Mr.Adam?' We had U.S History together! I'm so gay for remembering all this" I smile at our memories

"I remember everything, from our fights when I was pissed over John Stephen and You fucking. I made you cry and I'm sorry. Then me fucking Bethany and you kissing Nash. I made you cry again. I made you cry a lot and I really am sorry! If I could back and change shit i would, I would in a heartbeat. I'm different now, I'm better. I loved you for over a year, with all my heart. Even if I said I moved on I really didn't. Because who could ever replace you! No one could, not Miley, not Bethany, not any of my ex's, not anyone I fucked with" I sighed at all my errors

"I just want you to know, my love for you is bullet proof. No matter what you do or what I do. I'll be with you till the end." I get up and plant a kiss on her forehead and leave the room. Closing the door softly.

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