Why Don't You Have A Girlfriend?

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Andrew always thought of himself as a great friend. He was selfless, always putting his friends before himself.

Now Andrew was in his second year at NYU, he was doing great in his classes and had a great social life. He even had a stable girlfriend.  So imagine his excitement when one of his closest friends got accepted to NYU.
Very much like himself his friend is doing great in college and had a very outgoing personality.  Joshua Matthews was Andrews closest and dearest friend.

After their first semester together at NYU Andrew noticed that while many girls were drawn to Josh he displayed no interest in them often brushing them off if they came on too strong or letting them down gently if they were sincere.

After discussing this with his Girlfriend Jasmine. They both decide to see if Josh would like to be setup on a date with one of Jasmine's classmates.

When Andrew brought it up with Josh, he politely declined the offer claiming that he didn't have time for a relationship. Andrew accepted his response knowing how overwhelming your first year in college can be.

Until he noticed that every weekend Josh  would spend it at his brothers house and every Wednesday night he would go do his laundry at his brothers place too. Completely refusing to use the University laundromat which would save him the 10 block walk to his brothers home. When asked about it Josh claimed it was because he was homesick.

He also thought it was strange that Josh would only get coffee at Topanga's instead of the many coffee carts on campus. Again when asked about it Josh claimed it was because he got free coffee there.

Jasmine tired of hearing Andrew complain about Josh told him to just ask Josh what the deal was.

That day Andrew met with Josh after classes.

Walking into Josh's dorm room he noticed Josh putting all his dirty clothes in his laundry bag.

"It's Wednesday" thought Andrew.

Then it hit him. Maybe if they had some one on one time he would get the opportunity to ask Josh what his real reason was for not dating.

"Hey Josh? Jaz has a study group all night you mind if I tag along?" Andrew asked

"I guess..if you want to.." Josh replied with a quirk of his brow.

So they made the 10 block walk to Josh's brothers home.

Andrew decided to just sit back and observe Josh Matthews for a change.

Andrew watched Josh greet  his Sister in law Topanga.

"Hey Family !" Greeted Josh.

"Hey Josh, laundry day ?" Topanga remarked.

"Yeah.." Josh admitted bashfully.

As the afternoon progressed Andrew noticed Josh checking the time. Not once, not twice, but six times.

When it hit four o'clock, Andrew knew it was four because he began checking the time everytime Josh did.

"Okay why don't we sit in the livingroom and watch some T.V." said Josh.

With a shrug of his shoulders Andrew followed Josh into the livingroom. Again Andrew observed that Josh wasn't even watching the T.V. at all he would just check the time and turn to look at the door after about 45 minutes of that Josh appeared to be agitated.

"Hey Man you alright?" Questioned Andrew.

"I'm fine."said Josh, his tone short dripping with annoyance.

At that moment the door flew open.

Andrew saw the same short firey blonde who crashed their college party 2 years ago.

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