She's My Daughter

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Shawn Hunter was on his way to have dinner at his bestfriend Cory's home with the rest of the Matthews clan along with his new wife and daughter.

Shawn was finally happy. He had a family.

A beautiful wife which he loved with all his heart.

A beautiful daughter.

Yes, Shawn Hunter who had been a notorious Ladies man during his younger days found himself to be the father of a now 16 year old girl.

With this came new feelings. No longer was he Cool Uncle Shawn he was Dad. Those new feelings brought about a new sense of protectiveness over his new daughter. Granted maybe a little over protective, if you believe wanting to scare any teenage boy who came with in 10 feet of her over protective. Maybe just a little.

Who could blame him. He was once a teenage boy, he knew how their minds work. Shawn himself had broken quite a few hearts himself.

Shawn swore he would not let any boy break Maya's heart. She had had a hard life already, much like his own childhood. The one man who was to set the standard for her future relationships, her father, walked out on her. She had know heart break early on. Shawn now becoming her father would gladly stand guard and protect her heart like many fathers do.

Imagine his surprise when he found out from Cory about the long game.

Little Joshua Matthews apparently has liked his daughter for awhile and knowing the age difference to be an issue now has initiated this game where he and Maya would know each other is out there and wait for Someday.

Shawn did not like the long game. He saw it has a way for Baby Matthews to keep his options open and explore his love life while knowing full well that Maya being younger and more invested would wait for him.

Shawn knew boys, and this seemed like something boys would pull.

To his delight Baby Matthews would be at the dinner tonight. Shawn would use tonight as an opportunity to put an end to this long game. Maya's heart was not to be played with.

Dinner was great aside from the fact that Baby Matthews insisted on sitting next to Maya evening bribing Auggie to move by promising him his dinner roll. The glances he exchanged with Maya were not appreciated nor were the fact that they were holding hands under the table. Shawn knew this because Katy happened to have dropped her napkin which Shawn gladly retrieved from under the table, their entwined hands caught his attention quickly. Which left him fuming.

Regaining his composure he decided to put Josh through the ringer.

During desert Shawn sees his opportunity.

"So Josh, hows college? Cory mentioned that you were having roommate issues." Shawn threw out casually enough. He knew Josh saw him as an older brother.

"College is good, my roommate kinda sucks but its not as bad as before.." Josh said with a shrug.

"Well Josh has been spending alot of weekends here.." Cory adds.

Shawn notices Josh glance at Maya before smirking in her direction.

"Yeah, it helps" Josh says his eyes still on Maya.

Shawns eyes widen he was not aware that Josh was spending the weekends at Cory's house. Which are the same weekends Maya's sleeps over.

Blood boiling Shawn decides to play his card.

"How are the Girls at NYU?"

"Shawn.." Katy says feeling the tone in her new husbands voice knowing his recent dislike of the younger Matthews.

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