Help? JD X Veronica

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No one died. And I say JD X Veronica even though she doesn't come in till the end.


I sat on the couch fiddling with my hands when I heard the doorbell ring. Thank God.  I quickly got off the couch and never in my life had I been as glad as I was to see these three horrible people. "Okay where's Veronica?" Heather Chandler snapped at me. If I didn't need her and the other Heather's help I would slam the door in her face. "Veronica isn't here. I need your help." I told them, expecting them to laugh in my face and then leave.  "Okay! How can we help? " Heather McNamara smiled before she made her way into my house. Heather and Heather looked at each other and mumbled something before making their way into mine and Veronica's home. "What's your problem?" Chandler spat as she sat down on the couch. I was so tempted to slap her down but I needed her.  "You guys know Veronica the best and I really wanna do something special that she'll love." I explained to them. Heather M's eyes instantly lit up like a five year old. "Oh my God are you gonna propose?" She squealed as she clapped her hands together. Ah now I. know why she's the yellow Heather,  cause she's an annoying ray of sunshine. "Yeah and I really need your help so any suggestions?"

"Veronica likes the beach. You can do it under the moonlight." Heather M suggested quickly as if she had a million things on her mind. I think she was planning the wedding. But yeah Veronica likes the beach it could be romantic. "No Veronica loves surprises. So how about when you're doing it and you're like real close you pull out a ring and be like. Hey baby marry me? " Heather Duke suggested. To be honest I kind of forgot she was there and also it scared me that Duke could imagine me and Veronica doing it. "Is it weird that I actually like that suggestion?" Heather Chandler smiled. Wow the first time I have ever seen Chandler approve of something Duke said. Heather McNamara then stomped her foot and shot them a look.  Okay a little less sunshine and a little more storm. "Guys take this seriously.  If he doesn't do this right then Veronica will be like majorly depressed when she looks at the ring and not want to marry him or if she says yes when ever she looks at her ring she'll be so bummed and wonder what her life could have been if she said yes to someone who proposed right." She exclaimed in a very 'uh duh' voice. Okay she scares me a little now. But was she right? Would Veronica hate me if I didn't do it right?

"Okay what about if you do it at a restaurant and you get everyone's attention and then do it." Chandler suggested as she laid down on the couch. "Nope Veronica hates being the center of attention." I told her. And with that, a heavy sigh came from Duke as she put another tally on the white board. Oh yes McNamara got a white board to make it more official, we were at the 60th idea. "Well what about if you like put the ring in food and like surprise her that way?" Chandler suggested again as she started to file her nails. To be honest I didn't expect her to be this helpful. "No no no.  She could eat it and die. Or the ring could get damaged." McNamara dismissed the idea. Another loud sigh came from Duke as a squeaky whiteboard sound followed. 61 ideas. I was about to suggest something when then suddenly the sound of a car pulling up happened. "Oh God that's her. Everyone leave through the bedroom window it's right down the hall." I told them. They all nodded their heads and then left. I rushed across the room and wiped the board clean. "Hey JD what's up?" Veronica asked as she looked at me wiping the board clean. "Oh a few friends came over and we bought this board to keep score." I lied hoping that she wouldn't see through it. She raised an eyebrow and me and then laughed. "JD you don't have friends." Okay that was harsh but actually true. I felt my heart begin to race and I began to sweat. What should I tell her? "Veronica go get dressed. Into something nice. I wanna take you out." I told her. Oh God. Was I doing this tonight? An hour later, typical Veronica, Veronica came out looking stunning. Wow I was glad she took that hour. "Veronica. You make me speechless you know that right?" I smiled at her. She grabbed my hand and started to blush. "Thank you.  You're pretty hot yourself." She low-key gushed. I looked down at what I was wearing compared to her.  I was wearing a nice black shirt, jeans and my typical trench coat and she was wearing this gorgeous blue mini dress,  black jacket and heels. God she was perfect.

We went to the movies and saw some film that she wanted to see which wasn't as bad as I thought. Mainly cause we were being that couple and making out at the back of the theater. After that we got some ice cream and for dinner we got tacos from a shifty taco truck all because she wanted to.  "Anything else you wanna do babe?" I asked as she grabbed my arm and snuggled up against me. "I wanna go for a walk in the park." She told me.  I smiled and then changed our root for the closet park.  The night was beautiful and the way the full moon shone made the park even more beautiful but nothing could compare to the way Veronica looked tonight.

"Veronica? " I said breaking the silence of the night. "Yes JD?" She asked as she snuggled up to me more. Oh my God I was about to do this. I gently pushed her off of me and grabbed her hand. "You know I love you more than anything in this world right?" I asked her as I looked into her deep brown eyes. "I know JD." She simply answered. "I wanna spend the rest of my life with you. I wanna get married, buy a better house, I wanna hold your hair when you get morning sickness and then fight for no good reason, I wanna be in the delivery room as you squeeze my hand and give birth to OUR child. I wanna teach OUR kids to ride their bikes and teach them that it's okay to make mistakes, I wanna be there when they go to prom and leave home, I wanna grow old with you and play bingo nights. All I want to do with my life is be with you." I told her as I watched tears gently stream down her face. And with that I got down on one knee and pulled out a ring case from my trench coat pocket. "What I'm trying to say is Veronica Sawyer. Will you marry me?" I asked her. She was to emotional to speak but just nodded her head 'yes.' I myself began to cry as I put the ring on her finger. I then got off of my knee and kissed Veronica with more passion than anyone could imagine. "I love you Jason Dean." She sniffled. God she was so cute. "I love you to Veronica Sawyer." I guess I needed the Heathers help after all. 

A/N that was cute. Please comment ships and have a good night / day! 

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