The party Chandler X JD

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Trigger warning it doesn't say there was sexual assault but heavily implies it


I stood in the corner of the room and watched my surroundings. There were drunk and high teenagers everywhere, this was not how I wanted to spend my Friday night, god why did I even let Veronica talk me into going to this stupid party? I couldn't even hang out with her beacuse all she wanted to do was dance and I am not a dancer.  I stared at my empty red solo cup, I could have join for another drink but what was the point? It wouldn't have made the party more fun and I'd just have a harder time getting home. I put the cup down on the stand next to me and leant against the wall, watching the party unfold.

I stood for a lone for about five minutes when I noticed a girl waking up to me. I gave her no real attention, just assumed she was another drunk girl. But then she started talking to me. "Shit party huh?" She laughed as she lent against the wall as well. I knew the voice, didn't mean I liked the person it belonged to. "What you doing here Chandler? " I asked, really wishing I had another drink in my hand. "Like I said. Shit party." She scoffed as if it was the most obvious things in the world. See that right there. Is why I hated her, her stuck up attitude. It was a major turn off from her other wise very attractive body. "Well go spend it else where." I scoffed back as I started to walk away.

That's when I felt something grab my hand. I turned around and saw that it was Chandler grabbing it. I looked down at her hand which so desperately was holding onto mine and then looked at her. For the first time she didn't look confident or strong. She looked like she was going to bust out in tears at any second. "Please don't leave me." I somehow heard her whisper over the loud music. I nodded my head and lead her outside. I knew this was wrong, leaving Veronica alone at a party as I exited with her best friend but Heather was hurt. At least I think she was. And I can't just leave a hurt lady alone at a party. I'm to much of a gentleman.

Once we got outside I instantly felt Heather cling to me. I couldn't believe it. Heather Chandler was hugging, well no clinging, onto me. "Is everything okay?" I asked as I awkwardly hugged her back. This was wrong. No. I had a girlfriend, I had Veronica but I liked the feeling of Chandler's arms around mine. "No." She simply muttered into my chest. I swear to god, she sounded like she was about to cry. The demon queen of Westerberg high was hugging me for dear life and was about to cry. God I must have somehow gotten high at the party cause this couldn't be happening. "What happened?" I asked gently as I started gently stroking her hair. I hated myself for this, well to be fair I hated myself most of the time, but I was touching her? And not minding her existence? "This guy. He." She mumbled before gently crying. Oh. My. God. Was she? Holy crap she was.

Heather Chandler was crying on my chest outside of possibility the biggest party of the year. "Did he go all the way or just touch?" I asked. My blood was boiling, sure I didn't care that much for Chandler but I had morals. And guys who do any of that stuff. Well I have a little chat with them. "Touch." She sniffled as she held onto me tighter. I couldn't believe it. I was feeling sympathy for Heather Chandler. It was a first to say the least. "I'll take you home." I whispered as I pulled away from her and grabbed her hand. She nodded and wiped away her tears with sleeve of her red dress, I never thought I'd live to see the day where I saw her cry and trust me. It's not a pretty sight. I lead her to my dad's truck and helped her get it. I only took the truck cause Veronica was wearing a short skirt and didn't want it to fly up as we rode on my bike. Shit. Veronica. I was leaving her at the party as I took her best friend and worst enemy home. Veronica's a smart girl, she would be fine by herself for a little bit. I got in the truck and started to drive Chandler home.

She fell asleep in the car and honestly I couldn't blame her. She looked like hell. I didn't need directions to her house, I knew it was the biggest and nicest one in all of town and it was always on the news. Her mother and father do something important. I can't remember what for the life of me but it must be a pretty good job if they can offered the house they live in. It was only a ten minute drive to her house, I parked in the driveway and noticed there was no cars there. I guess her parents were at work or out. It was a Friday night after all they might have had plans. I didn't have the heart to wake her up so I got out, went around to her side and carefully and slowly opened up her door. I undid her seatbelt and scooped her up. I carried her to the front door and that's where my gentleman problems were foiled.

The door was locked, obviously. If I was Heather Chandler where would I hid my spare key? Then it hit me. I kicked up the welcome home mat  and saw the golden key. I carefully, and awkwardly, bent down and manged to pick up the key and unlock the door all without waking up Heather I quietly shut the door behind me and looked around. The house was even bigger and nicer on the inside.

I carried her up the stairs and tried two rooms before finding the room that had to be hers. I laid her down on the bed and took off her heels so she would be comfortable. "Jason? " I heard her groa. I looked at the sluggish blonde and smiled a little. "Yes Chandler, it's Jason." I smiled as I sat down on the bed next to her. "Please sleep over." She grumbled as reached for my arm. I gave a small nod and kicked off my own shoes. I got comfortable under the covers and felt her snuggle up to me. "Thank you." She mumbled before kissing my cheek. I looked at her and smiled gently. "You're welcome." I whispered before planting a kiss on her forehead. I wrapped my arm around her and shut my eyes.

I knew I had to break up with Veronica.


Hello! Hopefully that wasn't too bad but I really like them together and I wanna do a whole love story about them but no one likes them together.
So what's their ship name? I heard that it's cherry bomb or trench coat scrunchie. I hate both of those names give them a new ship name.
Well comment ships and whatnot
Don't forget to check out my new fan fiction!! Please and thank yous
Also have a good day and or night

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