The Quarterback Veronica X Kurt

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No one is dead :) JD and Veronica haven't met. Also I don't mean to slut shame and whatnot it's just I think this is how Ronnie would feel about going out with Kurt. Also can be based on the musical or movie but I was leaning more on movie side.


I am a slut. I am a giant fucking slut. I didn't even have to sleep with him and I was a slut. I was out. On a date. With Kurt Kelly. I don't know why I was here. Heather wasn't forcing me or anything, which was a first might I add. He asked me out at lunch and now I was at a crappy local diner with him. "Come on Ronica, I'm paying for all of this so you might as well try to look like you're having fun." He muttered from behind the menu. I rolled my eyes and sunk into the booth. "I'll just have whatever you're having." I mumbled regretting all my life choices at the moment.

A young blonde waitresses soon arrived at our table and greeted us with a perky smile. "Hi can we please have two beef burgers and can one please be without cheese? Okay one large fries and two cokes." He said to the waitresses. She wrote our orders down, tool our menus and left. That was the nicest I had ever seen Kurt. "Whoa." I said under my breath. He didn't even look at the waitresses butt as she looked away. "What?" He smiled. I bit my bottom lip and looked down at the ground. Oh God. He was making me nervous. "I've never seen this side of you before." I finally said. He gave a small laugh in response. "I love Ram, he's my brother but it's like I'm a different person with him." He told me. So wait. He wasn't a total dickhead all the time? Or was he just saying that to get into my pants? "Oh well that's sweet." I said awkwardly. I had no idea what to do or what to say to this sweet side of Kurt. "It's like you and the Heathers you know? You don't wanna act all catty and mean but you pretend to go along with it for the sake of being popular." He said. I looked at him. I was pissed that he thought I was only doing it for the sake of being popular but at the same time it was like he understood me.

We started to make more polite conversation and I found myself actually having a good time. "Here is your order." The waitress smiled as she set down our food. We both thanked her and after she left we continued talking. "So was there any reason why you didn't get cheese?" I asked a I picked up a fry. He took his burger and shook his head. "I just don't like it. " He told me before taking a bite of it. I gave a small smile and laughed but on the inside I was screaming. Why am I having a good time? With him of all people?

"How was the burger? " I asked him as I looked at my one. I was never big on them.  "It was good. I don't think you'll have much room for it considering you ate like seventy five percent of the fries." He laughed. I look at the container that the fries were in, wow did I really eat that many? "Oh sorry about that." I awkwardly laughed. I looked at the burger in front of me and it was almost if I was scared to eat it. "If you don't want it I'll have it." He volunteered . I unwrapped the burger and ripped it in half the best I could. "I have to eat some of it." I said as I gave him one of the halves. I closed my eyes and took a bite of the burger. I opened my eyes in shocked and looked at the rest of it in my hand. "Fuck give me your half." I said. It was the best thing I had ever tasted. He laughed loudly and handed me the rest of it. I quickly ate the rest of it and then washed it down with some coke. "You made a good choice, it would taste better without cheese." I told him as I swirled around the straw of my coke. "I'm smarter than you think." He laughed to me before taking a sip of his coke. He didn't use a straw, for some reason it always bugged me that men never used a straw for their drinks. Weren't they scared of spilling it and making a mess? Or am I just over thinking everything? "You ready to go?" He asked. I quickly finished my drink and then smiled at him. We got up, payed for our meal and than left.

He opened up the door me and smiled. "Oh a real gentlemen." I laughed as I left the diner. I took about four steps and then it hit me. He didn't like cheese and he still offered to eat my burger. I turned around and looked at him. "Are you cold? Here taken my jacket." He said as he took off his favorite Letterman jacket and put it around my shoulders. I then felt something. I hadn't felt this before. Oh shit. I like him. Oh shit. We stood in silence, face to face for a few seconds before I rolled my eyes and crashed my lips onto his.

We kissed for a few seconds until we both pulled away at the same time. The kiss wasn't anything special but it was still nice. "Wow thank you." He said as he blushed a little. He was cute. "It's my pleasure. Thank you for wanting to eat a burger with cheese on it." I smiled to him. He gave me a smile back and gave me a quick peck on the lips again. "You do know I'm never giving you this back right?" I giggled as I held onto his jacket. It was comfortable and I can totally see how he worse it every day. "Okay okay whatever. Let's get you home." He laughed. I grabbed his hand and walked to his car.

The car ride home was filled with pleasant conversation and laughter. "Thank you." I said before giving him a kiss on the cheek. "I'll see you at school." He smiled back. I got out of the car and gave him a wave goodbye. I watched him drive off and I smiled to myself. I liked the quarterback and I was perfectly okay with it.

Hope that wasn't to bad! That was requested so I hope you like it. Comment ships and whatnot
Have a good day and or night.

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