I miss you

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Here's a lil sad one shot cause I'm a Lil sad bean.  Contains mention of suicide

One year. One god damn painful year. I sat at Sherwood Ohio's cemetery in front of the four graves. Sherwood wasn't a big place so we only had one cemetery and since Heather Chandler, Ram Sweeney, Kurt Kelly and Jason Dean weren't planning on dying they never left any burial plans so the town decided to bury them together as a memorial of the Westerberg suicides. Even though I hated three of them high school wasn't the same. Everyone's sad but it's a weird sad. And suddenly JD's popular and that's just strange. A soft breeze blew my hair across my face and got dampened due to my tears. I liked to believe that the wind was JD trying to hold me. God I miss that idoitc psycho. I wish he would have just came with me. We could have started over, a new town, new name even. It could have been great but I guess suicide was just the natural answer to him.

I sighed and then collected the items off of their graves. I decided that every year I would put an item that they would have liked to take into the afterlife to keep their spirits happy.  Sorta like the Egyptians way of thinking. "One new red scrunchie for Heather." I sniffled as I as dug into my shopping bag and took the new one out placed it on the middle of her grave and then put the old one in the bag. "A football for Kurt and a bottle of Rum for Ram." Ram sure loved his booze and being the bros they are they would share. And then it was JD's turn. I couldn't bring myself to do it. Sure it had been a year but it still felt like he was here. Like none of this shit had happened and we were happy and in love. " One trench coat for Jason Dean. JD for short." I started crying even harder as I put the new coat on his grave. This wasn't fair. Although I didn't put the old one in the bag but instead I wrapped it over my shoulders.

"Why'd you do it JD? Huh? Why did you have to go and fuck everything up? Why couldn't we just go and spit in Heather's drink and then everything would be fine? No you had to go and kill her! You had to go and fuck up my life! You know what the worst part about this is? I loved you all throughout it. And I still fucking love you." I sobbed crying harder with each word until my words sounded like random noises. And with that the wind got harder and heavier. Oh great I'm fighting with JD in the afterlife as well.  Great just fucking great.

Hours passed and it was soon sundown but I still didn't want to leave, even with my ridiculous JD wind fight. I missed everything about these idiots. I missed late night chats with Heather, laughing at how dumb Kurt and Ram was and I missed ditching class to go to 7/11 with JD.  He would always by me a cherry slushie and a pack of BQ cornnuts. Only cause I missed Heather so much. High school sucks even worse as I said everyone's sad but it's strange. Some of us think it's a blessing in disguise and the others just think it's a horrible thing. Also no one likes the idea of having the Heathers anymore. Heather Duke was kicked out of power the other day and now we have no leader. Only if JD was here to see what he had created. We finally got to live in a world where Heathers and Marthas got along, whole they were alive, and he couldn't live it with me. He. Couldn't. Live.

That's it. He had to die so we could live as one.  Jason God Damn Dean had to die so we could get along. What kind of fucking world were we living in.  We did my fucking boyfriend. The love of my life had to die so we could live in peaceful world. No. That's not okay those asshole were going to pay for what they did. Oh shit. Oh my fucking God. I have just become Jason fucking Dean. I was literally about to kill some bitches cause someone I liked had killed themselves.

No. I'm not becoming JD. I am better than him. "Look what you're doing to me JD. I can't live with you and I can't live without you." I softly smiled. "Heather. I am sorry. Sorry for calling you a god damn bitch and puking on your brand new shoes. I wish we could have just sorted it out." I apologized. As much as I hated to admit it I did miss the bitch. "Ram and Kurt. Please don't hit on all the girls where ever you are. Like on the off chance you did make it to heaven don't ruin it. " I laughed. Oh god I was missing those fuck boys and now that Martha had moved the school would have been a bit less horrible with them in it. Also Kurt was often put in my maths class due to behavioral issues so that always made my Monday mornings better. "I really fucking miss you guys. You know that right? Please can you continue to look over me? Just guide me in the right direction. Heather. I need you to help me survive the rest of school. Ram and Kurt I need you guys to teach me how to have fun and be young. JD all god JD. I need you in every way possible. Can you please love and care for me? Even when I do meet someone else?  I'll always love you JD.  Promise. I'll always love you guys as well. " I said tearing up again. A gently breeze blew and I knew it was JD agreeing but then three more short gentle breezes hit me. It was all of them agreeing. Looks like JD was right.

Our love is God.

A/N that was so shit but I was so sad when I wrote it. So yes.  Comment ships.

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