Chapter 6

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As the two finished up their meal they get back into the car and drive back home. Skylar and William walked inside seeing everyone seated around the TV. Skylar frowned. William looked over everyone, or attempted to. Kaitlyn turned towards them, “Look, Sky! You and your boyfriend,” she emphasized the word boyfriend, “are on the News!” Her excitement was sarcastic.

“What do you mean?” Skylar frowned.

“I don’t have a boyfriend…” she thought to herself, her thoughts trialing as she did.

Everyone moved to allow Skylar and William a look at the TV. “Oh…” she said quietly.

William chuckled at the way Skylar got really embarrassed and shy. He had to smile (internally of course) at the way she didn’t deny him being her boyfriend, he kind of liked that thought (not that he’d admit it). “She’s not denying it!” Hope’s voice became shrill.

William covered his ears quickly, Kaitlyn and Skylar, already smartly doing so having seen Hope’s expression. “He’s not,” she said, her voice sounding stern, though William could hear something else there too, an emotion.

It was too blurry and covered to tell which. He almost thought he heard disappointment, or sadness. “Then why’s he breaking some guy’s arm for you?” Alex added in jokingly, though, in reality his question was serious, having known William for a long time.

“Alex, you know,” again with the emphasis, “I don’t like people talking like that, or touching people, who are caring for me, or under my protection.” William knew, deep down, that that hadn’t been his only reason, but he wouldn’t admit that out loud.

“I… I’m gonna go to my room,” Skylar let out a fake yawn that almost everyone believed, “I’m really tired.” Kaitlyn, knowing she was lying simply nodded, knowing she was probably embarrassed and overwhelmed, Hope, catching onto Kaitlyn’s reaction, also nodded. No one else responded other than to glance at her as she was going. William stood for a minute, thoughtfully, not believing the yawn. After a minute of thinking, he followed her to her room. He knocked lightly on the door before entering. She was lying in her bed staring at the ceiling. “You okay, Skylar?” He asked.

She nodded softly before turning to him, “Why’d you do it?” Her voice was curious, soft, and weak, as if scared to know the answer.

He shrugged, “I don’t know, really, I just… I didn’t like the way he was talking to you.” She nodded again, thinking, as she went back to looking at the ceiling.

“Hey… um, Skylar… I was wanting to ask you something,” his hand went nervously to the back of his neck, and he wasn’t sure why he felt nervous.

“What is it William?” She asked, turning to him once more.

“Well, you see, my ex and my ex-best friend’s wedding is tomorrow… And they invited me, I know it was as a joke, to try to get back at me, but, I thought, maybe, I could go, and you could be my plus one. Then, they’d see that I’ve moved on and don’t really care?” He stumbled over his words.

“I mean. I have, but you can't know that.” He thought.

She felt herself blush, and was glad she’d turned the light off before she laid on the bed. “Why me?” she asked.

“Well, I just figured, um, well, er, you’re prettier than her, and you’ve been doing so much for me, and this might be a little fun, so maybe, in a way, I’d possibly be somewhat repaying you?” his words kept wanting to just run and die in a whole, but he kept on, really wanting this for reasons other than he’d said.

Wanting it for reasons he wouldn’t admit. “Oh…” she tried not to feel disappointed, “Sure,” she gave a weak smile, that he could barely make out in the dim light.

“Thank you,” He said, feeling relieved that she hadn’t turned him down.

“Youre welcome,” she said softly, turning back to the ceiling.

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