She happened to be there

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Jackson received a call and he had to go out...
Jackson's POV:
Katherine, she is the most annoying girl I've ever met. Can she leave me alone for at least a day??? I've already agreed to marry her, why does she still threaten to hurt my one and only true love? Just. Just because I'm in her dad's company doesn't mean she can do this to me...
--------------------------------------------- The girl followed Jackson out to a park and saw him talking to another girl. That girl is pretty and gentle on the outside but inside, her heart is the most evil one Jackson has ever come across. From a safe and far distance, the girl saw Jackson about to walk away but the other girl ran up from behind and hugged him. This surprised both Jackson and the girl...
---------------------------------------------- The girl's POV:
Who is she? What is she doing? Why isn't Jackson pushing her away? What is this situation? Maybe Jackson's promise was just a joke, maybe he already has a girlfriend... what am I then?
---------------------------------------------- The girl hasn't realised but tears were streaming down her face like a waterfall and then rain started to pour onto her. It couldn't get any worse... could it??? She got up and ran away trying to erase the scene she just saw. Her heart ached vigorously and it felt like she was about to die.
Jackson saw out of the corner of his eyes, a familiar back running away from him. Soon, he realised it was the girl and without hesitating, he pushed Katherine onto the ground and ran after the girl.
---------------------------------------------- Jackson caught up to the girl and hugged her tightly. The girl felt the warmth from his chest but soon remembered he hugged another person just then. She tried pushing him away but his grip was too tight so she yelled "let me go!!! Why did you run after me in the first place?" Jackson didn't hesitate a single second and answered right after "because I love you and I'll never let you go!" The girl stared straight at Jackson and they made contact, while this was happening Katherine ran to catch up to Jackson and couldn't believe her eyes. She ran up and pushed the girl out from Jackson's arms and yelled "HES MINE!" Both Jackson and the girl was caught by surprise so the girl stumbled back and onto the road while Jackson was just a few seconds slow to grab her hand...
To be continued...
---------------------------------------------- This is a long chapter and I hope I didn't bore you out. So that's it for another chapter and see you next time.

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