Why Jackson? Why?

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The girl's POV:
Why is it so dark in here? Where am I ? Where is Jackson am I going to die? Why do I feel so scared? It's only the dark but I have a feeling people are close.
---------------------------------------------- The lights opened...
"Hello there, little girl." An ugly man appeared in the girl's blurry vision. "You are finally awake... Now the game starts!!!" *laughs hysterically*.
"What do you want from me? Why is this happening to me? Where is Jackson?" The girl yelled but instead of a reply the man inched closer and closer...
---------------------------------------------- Not Jackson's side:
Jackson's POV:
Where is she? Where could she be? Why is my eye twitching? Something is wrong... Katherine!!!
Jackson ran to the first place he could think of...
Katherine's favourite hiding spot... the abandoned school.
----------------------------------------------     At the school, Jackson yelled out for the girl but received no response.
He then saw a blood trail leading to the sports shed. Jackson couldn't believe what he saw, he didn't want to believe what he saw.
----------------------------------------------       Jackson's POV:
No!!!! You can't do this to me again!!! Last time you nearly died but this time... What if you actually died...
How will I live?
----------------------------------------------      Jackson called the ambulance and carried the girl on his back... Jackson may have looked calm but he wasn't at all.. He's head was about to explode with questions and worries
At the hospital:
The mum of the girl rushed in and her make up was already messed up but she didn't care.
"In there..." Jackson whispered, pointing to the door underneath the green 'operation in progress'.
Suddenly a nurse rushed and said,"does any of you have the blood type AB!!! The patient has lost 54% of her blood!!!"
The girl's mum said, " only her father has that blo..." " I do!!! Take mine!!!" Jackson was the one that spoke...
"But, if you donate too much blood. You might die.. the status is if you donate blood she has a 95% chance of living but you only have about 43% chance of surviving..."
"I'm still gonna give her my blood so when I die I can still live in her body... start NOW!!!"
---------------------------------------------- In the surgical room, Jackson and the girl lay side by side with a tube connecting them. Jackson was looking/ staring at the girl and remembering every detail about her.
"Are you sure you want to do this?" Asked the surgeon. "Yes" Jackson didn't wait to reply. "Let's begin..."
---------------------------------------------- After the surgery...
The girl's POV:
What happened? Where am I? Jackson is beside me! Why does he look so pale...
The girl slowly sat up and traced Jackson's face with her fingertips. She has never been so close to Jackson (she doesn't remember), and thought to herself "he looks just like a baby"
Jackson slowly opened his eyes and the girl's eyes met with his, she suddenly turned around as she was getting red.
----------------------------------------------     Late at night...
Jackson's heart started accelerating very fast. The girl kept pressing the help button. Doctors soon bursted in through the door.
"Quick, perform the defibrillator NOW!!!" 
"I'm sorry... he only have minutes to live and I believe he would like to see you..." The doctor said to the girl patting her back.
The girl rushed inside and took Jackson hand...
"No Jackson! Don't leave me! I need to confess my feelings for you... I Love You..." The girl finally said it and Jackson smiled and replied..
"Wait for me. I will come back to marry you. Always know I LOVE YOU!"
The girl sat there and
What is happening in her brain...
----------------------------------------------          Author's note
I am so sorry I haven't updated.
Assignments and test are over... THE TERM IS NEARLY OVER
I am so happy. I will be able to update in the holidays
I hope the people who are reading my book will like this...
Until next time... bye

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