The memories

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The girl's POV:
"Jackson!" The girl yelled after him holding an iPad, "haha, someone posted this and all of the internet knows you now!!!!" Jackson ran to her and face palmed when he saw what the video was about. "I thought you said, you will only keep this for your OWN Amusement!!!" "I am SO SORRY Master Jackson but it was just too funny to be kept for myself."
"Jackson! Do you like me?" The little 4 year old asked the 5 year old boy with red cheeks. The boy leaned in and kissed the girl on the cheeks and said, "of course, when I grow up I only want to marry you!" The two innocent but cute kids walked away holding hands...
"Wait for me. I will come back to marry you. Always know I LOVE YOU!"
----------------------------------------------       "I remember all of it... WHY DID I FORGET.." The girl yelled in rage.
"You finally remember but it's not the best time to remember..." Jackson started. "Since I only have a few minutes more, I just want to tell you.." "NO! NO! NO! Don't leave me!!! Pls" the girl howled. "Please listen to me... I am serious about coming back to marry you and the last thing I want to say is... I... LOVE...YOU!!"
Jackson smiled to finally get the weight off his chest but the girl is now crying her heart out...
Jackson knows himself, he was about to die and just seconds away so he tightened his grip on the girl's hand.
Jackson took his last breath and slept       Forever...
The girl cried till I don't know when...
----------------------------------------------     Author's notes
I think there should be another book to create a series...
Wait for the next book...
Until next time.... bye

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