Why is she like this?

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"Doctors! Tell me! Why doesn't she remember me?" Jackson yelled frustratedly at the doctors. "Well, does she remember everyone else? If you are the only one she forgot... It is a possibility that she chose to forget you because of ... maybe what you did to hurt and apparently it's the things she wants to forget the most..." doctor A replied.
---------------------------------------------- Jackson's POV:
Of course... I'm the one that hurt her... of course she would choose to forget her most painful memories. But I'm sure she'll get better. One day I will make her remember me...
---------------------------------------------- The girl turned out to know EVERYONE but him. But she has had this weird feeling the moment she set her eyes on Jackson. She feels her face heat up when secretly glancing at him. Yes... she likes... him
The once normal like was now on a whole new level since she cannot remember a thing including him. She only remembers a boy and that boy is someone that gave her heartaches and headaches.
---------------------------------------------- Katherine's POV:
Is it my fault that she nearly died?
No, it's not my fault!!! She was the one that Jackson liked making her my enemy.
But now I can't receive Jackson's love but it was always like this.
Should I move on to another person?
At the hospital, a check up on the girl after a year...
The girl still doesn't remember anything. But she has gradually grown feelings for Jackson. Jackson has quit his fame path and wanted to start a life with the girl.
But then Katherine who was still in love with Jackson took her away to a place where no girl or anyone should be going to...
A abandoned School where gangsters hang around...
"Play with her ALL you want!" Katherine cackled as she drove away leaving a sack...
----------------------------------------------   Author's notes:
Thanks to those who are reading my fan fiction.
I know my story is so cliche but I hope you guys don't mind and keep reading...
See you next time

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