Chapter 2

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There are only so many lives you can touch.

Kim Seok jin's brows were knitted together in utter concentration as he tossed the corn and capsicum in olive oil with his left hand and ladeled the cream on the other, still replaying the same thirty seconds in his mind.

Jungkook's sweet voice filled the air as his tired hands washed the dishes in lightening speed.

Jin was a very musical person. His dream was -had been- to debut as a singer along with his younger brother Jungkook and 5 other friends. But...

He usually hummed something or the other, or found a queer beat in someone cutting the vegetables at top speed or a rhythm in the way chicken soup's broth boiled, but, no, not today. His silence worried Jungkook. He knew something was up.

A waiter's voice filled the air as he asked Jin to follow with him.


Taehyung kept eating the food before him while making unintelligible sounds such as, 'phMy Phfraind vorgs are'. Minah studiously pushed the thing into her mouth.

Until the chef joined them.

That's when a number of things happened. First Minah's date launched himself at the pink sweater-clad man who couldn't stop staring at Minah while he hopelessly tried to regain his lost balance. They both fell down with Taehyung ON the guy. The waiter was beyond shocked.

What the f-

'Taehyung ah, get off me.' said the man.

'HYUNNNNNGGGG... I love you...' said the over excited boy.

'Do you need help?' Asked Minah in a weak voice. She hated it. Absolutely hated it. This guy who just came in was HOT. HE was tallish, broad-shouldered, his face was flawless even though his brow was slick with sweat. His small eyes were twinkling while he gracefully got up and calmed Taehyung down.

'Anyeoghasyo, I'm Kim Seok Jin... nice to meet you,' he held his large, clammy hands out after he'd bowed, which Minah took. They were warm and moist... and for an inexplicable reason comforting.

Jin could only marvel at the beauty before his eyes. The way her eyes blew twice their size as Taehyung had tackled him to the ground -his back still hurt- the way she'd stood up and offered help subsequently and the way she'd bowed back and taken his hands in hers- she knew western etiquette...

'I'm Kim Minah.' she said and took her seat, while Tae Hyung had carried a chair from the adjacent table and made Jin sit down, with little effort, because he was going to sit down anyway.

'I'm sorry I think I'm interrupting your date...' he said, not regretting even a little. He made a mental note to call Taehyung and get Minah's number from him later on.

'Aniyo...' said Minah, relieved that she had a person to share Taehyung's weirdness with. She knew Tae hyung was a very loving and affectionate person, who even though was 29 years old hadn't lost his childlike wonder or his ability express his heart. He was her diagonal opposite of herself. And she couldn't begin to comprehend him, let alone handle him. Kim Seok Jin had a calming effect on him, she noticed.

'uh... hi... You can call me Jin... everyone does... I'm 32 years old... Minah ssi' Jin's queer voice rung out. He has a nice voice. Thought Minah.

'Ne... You can drop the honorifics... I'm a lot younger... I'm Taehyung's age.'

'...Ne... Minah yah, do you like the food? Usually, many people from here don't like its cheesiness...' he paused letting a low chuckle out, amazing Minah for some strange reason, 'You know what you can do? Have it with that Garlic bread there... here, let me help.'

'Ne... Jin ssi, Gwenchanayo... I'll do it myself.'

Jin was observant of her. Extremely so. Minah hesitantly took the bread and spoonful of the pasta a pushed into her mouth. What only Jin could see the fear behind her eyes, which puzzled him and he was a lost in his thoughts again.

Taehyung laughed, 'Look at you two... Hyung, Minah is my date... unless...' he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. Jin looked at him at horror.

Minah couldn't handle it. She had eaten the entire plate, out of extreme respect and due curtesy.

'E-e-excuse for a second...' she said bowing and rushing towards the restroom.

Taehyung would think that she wanted to give the two men space, but he hadn't caught the flash of utter horrification that passed her eyes before her hood came back. Jin had.



'Hyung, seriously... you like her don't you? Not even a little? I'll give you her number... It's been long since you've gone out with a girl... ask her out.' Taehyung gushed in full speed even as he stuffed his face with the food. Jin nodded in reply, his mind wandering to the girl's thoughts again. Jin had a hunch of what she was going through. He hadn't confirmed anything. Yet.

Maybe, the horrification was caused by Taehyung's comment. And now she was just ranting to her girlfriend about her disaster date in the confines of the restroom. Maybe. He hoped. He desperately WANTED to hope.

'Yaaaay... Jin Hyung and Minah sitting under a tree,... K-I-' Tae Hyung started, punching Jin's arm until the latter turned and gave him a mortifying glare.

'Taehyung ah, I love you... But this ain't it, yahma... grow up, child.' Jin sighed.

'Ne... Hyung, give me your cellphone.'

It had been 20 minutes and Jin and Taehyung had been catching up. Minah Hadn't returned.

'Taehyung ah... I'll go check on her?'

Taehyung nodded and cheered his hyung with "Hwaiting!" while laughing teasingly.

This BOY will NEVER grow up, Jin thought with a slight smile as he walked towards the ladies washroom and propped himself against the wall separating the men's and women's. He had to wait another five minutes before he caught a flutter of the familiar white dress.

He caught her wrist and twirled her to meet his glance.

She was beyond shocked.

'Why did you throw up?' He asked.



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