Chapter 3

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Life is always a road to self-destruction or self-redemption.

'Why did you throw up" Jin repeated. As he studied her mortified expression, her pale skin, now almost yellow and her tired eyes. He noticed a hint of dark circles beneath them, covered up by makeup.

'Minah, answer me.' He said softly, his eyes softening too. 'Did you not like my food? It's fine. As I told you, most Koreans don't like its cheesiness' he paused voice adopting a warning tone. 'Minah yah... you look really pale, do you want to a place to rest? I can arrange it. My Dad owns this place...'

Minah felt minuscule now. He was practically flawless, he was a great chef and he was so filthy rich that he was clean and he was so humble and caring in spite of all this?

'Minah yah... KIM MINAH...' he shook her shoulders. But it was too late. She had lost consciousness. The last face she saw was Jin's. The last feeling she felt was an arm encircling her waist before she'd let the darkness consume her.


She felt the consciousness return to her. At first, it was as it had always been, her body aching all over, like a truck was on top of her. Next, the nerves in her body were in love with the softness of the bed she was sleeping in. Next, her nostrils caught a scent of a soup boiling.

Confusion and dread filled her as she opened her eyes, not to the familiarity of her own bedroom but the alienate-ness of a stupefying grandeur.

She sat up, taking in her environment, letting her memories hit her. She was in an insanely clean room with plush carpets from one wall to the other. There was low coffee table a few feet away, made of wood with intricately carved designs. There was a pink-gold coloured couch at one end of the room, with a low table in front. She noted a mess of papers there.

To her right were large curtained French windows. A balcony was there too, letting a little of Seoul's night time magic pour in. On the other side of the room were series of cupboards with intricate patterns and door knobs hilted with gold paint. Her own bed was a canopy bed with the pale pink, gold and purple curtains tied back with artistic care.

Her memories returned and she gasped. This was JIN's hotel.

'Jin ssi...?' Her voice croaked. She cleared her throat as she got off the bed. She took off the cold towel pressed to her forehead.

All of a sudden the man came running in, clad in an ancient apron, his hair tousled and sticking in all directions, ladle in one hand.

He threw himself at her.

She gasped.

He engulfed her in a bear hug. He was beyond relieved that she was up. Her scent filled his nostrils just as the intensity of his action, filled his worried mind. Why hadn't she pushed him away?

He caught hold of her shoulders and made her sit. 'Minah yah... are you really okay? Do you have any medication you need to take? Does your head hurt? Heck, Did you hurt it when you were throwing up? Why were you throwing up? Do you have an allergy? Minah...?' he flooded her with questions.

'JIn ssi... Where Am I?' she avoided the dreadful questions hurled at her. It puzzled her. Why was this man so worried? For her too? What did he care?

'Uh.. in my suite...' He replied sheepishly as the awkwardness of their predicament washed over him.

'WHAT?' Minah said wide eyed.

'Ne... but What really happened Minah? It's okay, you can tell me... I'm a good listener, I will not hold any judgments against you.' Jin said softly.

Minah let out a humourless chuckle that confused Jin.

'Look, I'm no charity case. I got my life under control. I just want to go home. I know you mean well, but being alone in a hotel room with a man isn't how I wanted this day to go. So if you would be decent enough to show me out, I'll be more than thankful.' Minah said, spitting her words. She knew she was being rude, but this was the only way she could get out of this situation and away from his questions and never even THINK of her answers.

Jin was livid. All he did was care for her, 'Kim Minah, I never once took you as a charity case. You ate the food prepared by me and you passed out. Do you know the seriousness of the situation? Do you know what it could cause to my hotel's reputation? I didn't want the word to spread, that is why I took care of you, yet... yet you are so ungrateful and you would say those nonsensical things? I'm being decent here.' He said his face going red while shook his head in all possible directions and pouting. Given any other situation, Minah would've thought he was cute.

'Oh... well rest assured your hotel's reputation isn't in danger. But mine is. I'm leaving.' She stood up to have his fingers encircling her thin wrist and pulling her back.

'Minah, look, I'm sorry, I didn't mean any of that. I was angry... But... I know you are not okay. Have a little food before you go. I already informed Taehyung and your parents.' He said.

Something in his voice made her stay. It would always.


Deathly silence loomed over them as Jin served the love of his life, as he'd decided, little amounts of the soup, while he himself took gaping amounts of rice.

'Eat less, Minah, You must be really sick.' He said with extreme care.

'Uh ne...'

Silence surrounded them again.

'uh... You said you informed my parents... How did you-' Minah began only to be cut off by Jin.

'Taehyung.' He said curtly. He was still mad and Minah could see it. He had been switching between a very caring dude and a mad hulk for the past 30 minutes and it drove her absolutely crazy.

'Okay, I'm sorry about that comment earlier okay? I wanted to get away... desperately, I only just met  you and I was already in a suite with you. Alone. So...'

'It's my home. Not just "a suite"...'

'Uh... Oh... Nice.'

'Thanks.' Jin said with a little smile. Minah felt an inexplicable force to keep him smiling for the rest of his life. The way his eyes twinkled, the way his teeth showed out, the way-

'Eat, Minah. Just a little. For me.' His soft voice commanded.

She took a spoonful of the soup and shoved it into her mouth. She looked up to find Jin taking a deep sniff of the soup and exclaiming, "smell" in a raspy voice.

That did it. She laughed till her stomach hurt. He did too. ANd she laughed more because his laughter was funny.

That was that...

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