Chapter 8

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Minah was finally using colours in combinations excluding black, dark green, blue and red.

Well, she still needed the black for his irises and she still needed the blue for his Pink and blue sweater and needed a little bit of green in the background and she did red to mix with the brown to recreate the perfect mahogany of his hair.

Jin wanted to get up and run for it had already been two hours since he had been forced to be a model for his girlfriend.

Jin's girlfriend was drawing a portrait of him. In her studio. Initially, Jin was beyond elated mainly because he was still reeling from Minah's phone call from a week ago when she told him that she'd love to date him.

But now, his only respite was getting to stare at his girlfriend work. He was beyond fangirling on the inside... He was dying.

His friends were happy for him. They could finally get a break from Jin's rants about not being perfect for Minah and all those dazed and in-love- triggered thoughts of his. Or so they thought.

The truth was the more Jin thought about it, the more he began losing it. He would sit and stare at the monitor for hours on end, reading stories that played with his heartstrings and wrenched his gut. Stories that were sometimes victorious and other times tragic... Stories of people with the same issue as Minah.

'Minahya... I'm tired. Should we go get a coffee?'

'Aniyo... You go if you want. I'll work on the background...' she said, her voice carrying an absently minded tone to it. In all honesty, she was absorbed into the painting. It had been long since she'd felt this motivated.

Minah didn't dream about Jin as he did about her. There was a magnitude of like and respect she held for the man, but that too was lesser than what Jin held for her. The reason why Minah wanted to be with Jin was mainly that she wanted someone to take care of her... She wanted to experience the right side of this thing called love and relationship. Instead of what happened the last time... That wasn't loving. That was a one-sided crush Minah held for a guy. It wasn't a relationship either. It was a horribly bad one night stand that he forced on her.

It was unspeakable.

'What would you want, my cherry pie?' he asked hee paused at the door.

'Jin... Nothing,' she said, giving him a pointed look.

'I'll surprise you!' he said in a cheery tone, but his heart clenched at the thought of losing her.


Dedicated to for adding this to   their reading list! Means  a lot, hun!

My hols are almost over and here I thought I'd be able to update more often...

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