Chapter 6

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I saw a meme.

"If Jin went for his military service, would he BTS or would he be Army?"


Jin cooked away in the busy kitchen along with the meat, which he was in charge of that day.

Jungkook turned into Jungshook to find his hyung deathly quiet and extremely thoughtful. The most he'd gathered from Namjoon was that there was a girl.

He was seriously concerned for his step-brother, who he knew, even at low times was obsessed with geyomi. There was only once... just once that he wasn't. And although that pain bound five men as brothers, none of them ever spoke about it.

Jungkook wasn't the only one though, Namjoon noticed that his usually self-obsessed friend was staring into space- or spacelessness- instead of a reflecting surface. His lips were puckered instead of pouting.

The truth being, Jin was a mess. He was in absolute shambles. He'd let one person die already there was no way he'd let another one just go away, especially since he was in love with her.

In love with her. Something in her drew him as if he were iron pieces and she a magnet. And he accepted that he was in love with Minah, although to the outside world he'd stay normal and deny all allegations.

People with eating disorders aren't especially vain; there could've been one or multiple incidents in their life that would've led them to strongly believe they are fat...

The lines from the website swam over his head over and over, choking his reality.

Minah was not vain.

He wanted to see her; to hear her again.

He HAD to.


'You want to meet me at a cafe?' asked Minah incredulously. She couldn't believe Jin wanted to see her... after everything.

"Yup... when will you be free?" Jin asked carefully.

"Look if it's about the other day... I'm sorry... I-"

"No... it's something else..."

'Is it a date?' Minah was tempted to confirm that it wouldn't be a psychiatric session but soon decided against it. The previous date she'd been on with him had been fun. There was the nicely lit park, beautifully ornated with exotic flowers, there were his "dad jokes" that almost made her laugh. Everything was so romantic. Even when she'd fainted in his arms. But then it was absolute shit-show later on. 'Second first date?'

'Nope. The first-second date,' Jin told her as-a-matter-of-factly as he continued, 'Minah. I wouldn't want it any other way... I know what I heard might hurt you. But honestly, I like you...' he sprouted his feelings a

Jin cooked away in the busy kitchen along with the meat, which he was in charge of that day.

Jungkook turned into Jungshook to find his hyung deathly quiet and extremely thoughtful. The most he'd gathered from Namjoon was that there was a girl.

He was seriously concerned for his step-brother, who he knew, even at low times was obsessed with geyomi. There was only once... just once that he wasn't. And although that pain bound five men as brothers, none of them ever spoke about it.

Jungkook wasn't the only one though, Namjoon noticed that his usually self-obsessed friend was staring into space- or spacelessness- instead of a reflecting surface. His lips were puckered instead of pouting.

The truth being, Jin was a mess. He was in absolute shambles. He'd let one person die already there was no way he'd let another one just go away, especially since he was in love with her.

In love with her. Something in her drew him as if he were iron pieces and she a magnet. And he accepted that he was in love with Minah, although to the outside world he'd stay normal and deny all allegations.

People with eating disorders aren't especially vain; there could've been one or multiple incidents in their life that would've led them to strongly believe they are fat...

The lines from the website swam over his head over and over, choking his reality.

Minah was not vain.

He wanted to see her; to hear her again.

He HAD to.


'You want to meet me at a cafe?' asked Minah incredulously. She couldn't believe Jin wanted to see her... after everything.

"Yup... when will you be free?" Jin asked carefully.

"Look if it's about the other day... I'm sorry... I-"

"No... it's something else..."

'Is it a date?' Minah was tempted to confirm that it wouldn't be a psychiatric session but soon decided against it. The previous date she'd been on with him had been fun. There was the nicely lit park, beautifully ornated with exotic flowers, there were his "dad jokes" that almost made her laugh. Everything was so romantic. Even when she'd fainted in his arms. But then it was absolute shit-show later on. 'Second first date?'

'Nope. The first-second date,' Jin told her as-a-matter-of-factly as he continued, 'Minah. I wouldn't want it any other way... I know what I heard might hurt you. But honestly, It doesn't change anything... Not one thing... If anything-look, I need to see you, please.' he almost told he liked her. Twice.

'There's one near my studio...' Minah volunteered. A smile pulled at her thin lips in reminiscence of better memories of herself and even the world... When she was passionate enough about the canvas and when she saw beauty in everything. That café was why she'd even gotten an apartment in its proximity and turned it into her studio.

It had been long since she'd gone to that Café. It held way too many memories. But somehow after that night in  the ER Minah felt like she could trust Jin. Well, she was forced to but she was glad that it was him that found out.

'Okay... what time would you like to meet me?' Jin's voice snapped her out of her thoughts.

'Uh... Around lunch? I could have a raspberry pie.' She mused out loud.

'...this brat...' Jin chuckled masking his pain.

'You be sure to eat...' Minah said, her  thin fingers grasping the hilt of the brush as she incorporated black, green and yellow to make yet another morbid art that would remain in the darkness.

'Yeah. At 3?' Jin confirmed.

'Okay, I'll text you the details...'


People with anorexia (Eating disorder) may have suffered serious bullying or even assaults. they tend to have a distorted view of their own self- as in think that they're seriously overweight when in reality they are the polar opposite.

That was what every website had ever told Jin about Anorexia.

He was distraught. He hoped that it was trauma. His head was a muddled mess. He looked at the time

1;12 pm,

The dream he'd had bothered him. Why would he dream about a dead person? An aspect of his dream had been climbing a hill and he knew that it was sign of hardship and a new change in life and that's why he wanted to help Minah, but why in the world would he dream of a person that has been dead almost a decade?

Jin believed in spirits. But he knew that seeing HIM meant something- spirit or not. Seeing him dance was another thing. Seeing his again face brought out a joyful pain in him.

Hoseokah... what are you trying to tell me?

Who did you originally think died? It was almost Jimin. ALMOST.

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