Chapter 4

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This song was my BGM while I wrote this chapter ANNND studied for math... So on with the chapter now...

Chapter 4

Minah was alone in her studio trying to paint something. Off late she'd had no inspiration. Everything around her was either cliched or fake or both. She didn't find the depth if character nor meaning in the people of the objects around her.

Her brush barely stroked the canvas but she already had the urge to fling it away and go to sleep instead.

That's the thing about artists. Art can be the ultimate form of expression of one's feelings; it is defined by the time space of its creation just as it influences a future space and time. The artist's feeling, however fleeting or small would be encaptured in their work and be immortalized. But that is exactly what makes them vulnerable too. The expression of their thought or feeling takes courage and most importantly their work is judged.

In a more dangerous area, where Minah was now, the lack of inspiration. The feeling that her thoughts were not enough to conjure a masterpiece.

It broke her into pieces. No one would know. No one KNEW.

She was on the verge of tears when her phone rang. The caller id displayed an unknown number.

'Yeobosiyo?' She asked, after picking the call up. It was about 7 in the evening now.

'Uh... Hi... Hey... Minah... This is Jin... from the hotel?'

'Yeah... hi... How are you? Wait, how did you get my number?'

'Um... Taehyung.' His voice shook a little.

'Oh. So...'

'So...' he said, nervous as hell, not knowing what to do. His best friend was sitting beside him, giving him reassuring smiles.

'Yeah?' her voice rung out, like music to his ears.

'Um... I was wondering if you'd be free... we could go somewhere?' he asked internally cringing.

'Uh... W-when though, Jin ssi?'

'How-about-right-now?' he said. so fast that even he couldn't make sense of it. Namjoon, his best friend gave him a grave look.

'None... I wasn't doing anything anyway. Also, I already ate dinner, so If you are gonna cook, I won't be able to eat.' She said.

'Great...' Jin's entire world stood still. She had agreed. Namjoon, who'd always seen Jin with a laid back, lazy smile now witnessed a weird streak of Taehyung-ness in him. But that fact that she said she wouldn't eat lingered in Jin's head, haunting him like a ghost, until he pushed it to the back of his mind. Namjoon would never know that, though. He'd only see the Jin silently jumping up and down with his phone pressed to his ears.

'Jin ssi? You there? Where, though?' Minah paused, 'Yeobssyo? Jin ssi?' what was wrong?

It took Namjoon's desperate waving of his arm up and down to bring Jin back into reality.

'... uh. ne... How about the park? Or the mall? Or the arcade?' Jin asked listing out the option as if it were a food menu.

Namjoon finally facepalmed.

Minah was speechless.

'Minah?' Jin repeated over excited.

Namjoon wanted the earth to split and swallow him so he wouldn't witness Jin's evident love-struck sappy-ness.

'Ne... P-park sounds good.' She said her voice quivering. Someone was asking her out. Someone was interested...

'The one near the hotel? Is that fine? It's lit very well during the nights...' Jin said.

'Yeah. But, wait, Is it a date?'

'....yes...' Jin said quickly, blushing wild as if he were a school boy. Little did he know that on the other side of the line too was a person blushing scarlet.



'I'll be there in 30 minutes...'

'I'll be there waiting. Thanks, Minah. Bye.'

As soon as the line died Namjoon's roar filled the Suite. He was rolling, laughing until tears came out. Jin stood rolling his eyes at the man.

'Don't break anything...' he said a second too late for Namjoon's knee had already knocked the coffee table over and in a minute empty mugs rolled on the floor, while on of them shattered.

'Yah... that was a rare cup... NAMJOON!' Jin screamed adopting the tone of an annoyed mother. 'Yah, othuke?' he threw a temper tantrum.

'Don't you have somewhere to be? SomeONE to DO?' Namjoon joked, his eyebrows wiggling suggestively.

'Yah... come here. you... How dare you talk about her like that?' Jin cried while he chased Namjoon around the suite.

Although the suite itself had been Namjoon-proofed there were a lot of items that could be broken.

After about five minutes and a broken vase, the two men settled down.

Jin looked at his watch, 'Namjoon, I have about 23 minutes before Minah arrives at the park, which gives me about 11 minutes to get ready and look fabulous to charm her pants off. Oh, I need to pick up flowers for her too. And I have to be at least 10 minutes early. I need you as my wardrobe guy, okay?'

'Not cool man... not cool at all...' Namjoon said shaking his head.

'Shut up and help me.'


22 minutes later Jin was waiting near the entrance of the park, smiling like his face was going to split, musing over how she'd act and coming up with a million fantasies.

Little did he know that they'd end up in an ER in the middle of the night.



Dead Weight |Jin.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora