(1) Bridges

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One Shot

The door slams, as usual, and you sigh as you shove your earphones on because you know the argument that follows will ruin your day...





"Dammit..." you think. You put the volume of your music higher, but it still doesn't drown out the argument your parents are having downstairs.

In your frustration, you throw on the first hoodie you see and your worn out Stan Smiths, and then jump out your window.

Walking down the street, you breathe in the fresh air, silently contemplating what you were going to do. "Thank god I'm moving out soon... it's a horrible thing to say, but I can't live in that house anymore..." you think to yourself with a weary sigh.

You were spacing out in your walk and soon you stumbled upon a beautiful bridge. You brighten up because you loved the thrill of heights.

Grabbing the rail, you jump on top of he ledge, taking a seat as you dangled your feet over the edge.

Looking below you see clear crystal blue water and finally a small smile comes on your face. You sit there with your eyes closed, finally feeling at peace, if only for the moment. You swing your legs and laugh at how weird you must look.

You must not have been the only one thinking that because someone began shouting from behind you.


You snapped out of your reverie in shock and with wide eyes turn towards the voice. "What? No? I'm not actually going to-" before you could explain, you're cut off.

"I don't know who you are but there's so much in life to live for. It's not worth it no matter what you're thinking right now. Trust me I understand. It's a hard time in your life right now, but from here it can only get better!" The man screams while flailing his arms and starts slowly walking towards you.

You silently chuckle in your head at how considerate he was, especially because he had no idea you were just relaxing. But then you think about his words and realize how much you needed to hear that.

Slowly a grin breaks out on your face, surprising the man.

"That's funny dude, I was thinking the exact same thing. You have nothing to worry about it may not look like it, but I was just hanging, literally... (you laugh silently at your own pun) But thank you, you're really sweet..." You state with a smile, as you turned your body towards him and jumped, making him jump in surprise with a confused look on his face.

"Wait... so you weren't... oh my god... I'm- I didn't..." he stutters and you laugh at how cute he was.

You take this moment to really look at him and notice that he did look slightly familiar to you... you think about it for a second, taking note of his hair, or whatever you could see that was peeking out of his beanie, his sharp eyes and lips that you pictured would carry a beautiful smile and that's when you realize.

"Oh! I know who you are..." you begin.

His eyes widen even more if that could be possible and immediately he looked around him just in case anyone else recognized him as well.

"You're the guy who packed my groceries at the supermarket the other day..." you finished with a grin.

He chokes and breaks out into a fit of coughs, making you chuckle at his reaction.

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