(1) Don't Judge a Book by its Cover

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Two Part Story
(Part 1)

"Wow Jonghyun...look at Y/N today...she's beautiful..." one guy swooned to his friend who nodded whimsically, both enraptured by how flawlessly you were explaining the answers of the previous exam to your other classmate.

"Honestly though..." he sighed. "...Brains, brawns and beauty, the perfect combination of an angel...but you know she doesn't get close to anyone...nobody gets through her shell, dude..."

The two guys sighed defeatedly and went back to working on their assignment.

All of a sudden, someone accidentally bumped into Jonghyun, which as a result made his hand slip, tearing his paper in the process.

"Oi! Watch it!" He hissed and the other man looked down nervously.

"Ah...I'm sorry! It was an accident!" He apologized but Jonghyun just sneered. "What, you think an apology will fix this? I worked all week for this paper and you ruined it. How are you going to take responsibility for it?" He growled and the man stammered in panic.

Jonghyun eyed the guy in disdain. The guy's glasses were sitting crookedly on his face and his bangs hid most of his forehead.

Although it was warm and everyone was dressed in the summer uniform, this dude was covered up in his winter one, which was also a size too big, making it sit awkwardly on his figure.

Jonghyun didn't recognize the guy and that's when he realized, this was that new student who moved into their class the other day.

Jonghyun scoffed. This new kid was just your typical nerd. "You know what? You can just give me your assignment and I'll let all of this go" he smirked and the guy paled, unsure of what to do next.

Suddenly Jonghyun felt a tap on his shoulder and he scowled while turning around. "What do you wan-?" and he abruptly cut himself off when he realized you were smiling down at him.

"Y-Y/N...w-what's up?" He stammered and you smiled lopsidedly while strategically placing yourself between him and the guy he was harassing.

"Oh? I just overheard you talking with Hoseok here..." you began and the man, Hoseok, looked up in surprise.

"She knows my name?" He thought in bewilderment because none of the other classmates bothered to remember, but then he held back a laugh when you shot him a secretive wink.

Ah, so she was here to save the day...if only these people knew who he really was though.

"Y-yeah we were just having a quick chat since he messed up my work..." Jonghyun responded nervously and you coo'd while placing your hands together, seeing his torn paper from the corner of your eyes.

"Oh! I bet you were being a great guy and in the middle of forgiving him for accidentally shoving you right?" You egged on. "...I mean, there's no way someone like you would do make Hoseok pay for what he did!" You laughed loudly and Jonghyun gulped, unable to find his way out of this situation.

"Right...of course, uhm yeah. Hoseok, listen man, don't worry about everything! We're all good!" He quickly spoke up and turned away, making Hobi blink, wondering just what the hell had happened.

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