(2) Don't Judge a Book by its Cover

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Two Part Story
(Part 2)


"This was amazing! The song you wrote brought us all the way up to first place Y/N!" Joon shouted while giving you a fist bump and you laughed rambunctiously.

"Joon, it was all in how you delivered it!" You cheered back happily and the two of you continued gushing with joy.

That was how it had been in the beginning; Fun, and always full of opportunities for the two of you. With you writing the music and Monnie delivering it to the audience, the two of you were unstoppable. Sometimes you would perform as well but writing was where your passion was.

Mon began picking it up as too and soon, the two of you were creating music that was continuously winning in the competitions you joined.

"Both of us will make it big, I can see it" you promised.

But the music industry was more sinister than you had imagined and when you, one day, were approached by someone who had wanted to sign you and Namjoon up, you were naive in believing it to be true.

After a little bit of convincing, you had gotten Joon to agree to it, thinking that this was your big break.

And like every 'too good to be true' offer, there was always a catch.

The man ended up cruelly exploiting all of your music and had stolen copyright claims over the songs you wrote as well, leaving the two of you with nothing.

That was the first of many cracks in your supposedly impenetrable shield.


"I can't do this anymore...this, this doesn't make me happy the way it does for you Joon..." you explained again for the second month now and although Namjoon wanted you to stay, he couldn't be selfish.

He stiffly nodded. "I-I get it...I don't want you leave but I know why you want to...but you'll still be here for me though, right?..." he asked unsurely and you shot him a glare.

"How could you even question that! Of course I will be! I know this industry isn't cut out for me but you're different. One day you'll debut and make a real difference in this shitty world"

And at that time you meant every word you said about staying to support him...you disappearing had never been part of your plans.

It had changed that one day you were leaving the studio all alone and someone grabbed you by the arm.

You narrowed your eyes. It was that piece of shit that exploited the two of you. "You! What do you want" you hissed and he chuckled.

"Now that's no way to greet someone you know Y/N" he chastised and you growled. "You're right..." you grumbled and snatched your arm back.

"Fuck off" you corrected and began walking away but he tsk'd condescendingly.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you..." he started and you paused, hearing the threat in his voice.

You didn't walk back to him but you did stop and turn, watching him warily. He grinned, knowing he had caught you.

"A little birdie told me that Namjoon is now a solo rapper..." he pointed out and you clenched your fists but said nothing and his mood changed.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2017 ⏰

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