(1) Fish are Friends Not Food

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You look around excitedly at the fish swimming around you everywhere. Different shades of blue encompass you, as if you yourself were inside the tank. Suddenly a shark swims past above you and you look at it with wonder.

"Hobi!!! Look, look!!" you shout with glee as you drag your much taller boyfriend through some other couple, and towards the glass window so you both could see clearer.

He chuckles and stands behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist so he could place his head on your shoulders. Both of you are quiet, the sound of each other breathing was the only thing you could hear, as you enjoy the view of the brightly colored creatures. You turn to his ears and whisper quietly

"This totally makes up for you being an hour late" you giggle as he ruffles your hair affectionately.

"Are you sure the chocolates didn't do it for you?" he asks with a knowing smile

You huff, knowing that he got you there. You couldn't help but be placated every time you had those treats so you sheepishly look away and he laughs.


You tap your feet impatiently, checking your phone every 5 minutes, wondering where on earth he was. So far he's almost an hour late and you twitch slightly in restlessness, contemplating whether or not you should find a place to sit.

All of a sudden you hear

"Y/N!!" He approaches you, panting in his effort to get to you quickly and you can't help the slight upwards tilt your lips make just by seeing him. However, you didn't want him to know that, so you cover it up with a blank expression.

"Hobi, it's been an hour, where were you?" you say, a little bit annoyed since he didn't even leave a message for you.

"I know, I know... I had some last minute shooting with the guys and it took longer than I thought; but I brought you something..." he explains and then reaches out to hand it to you.

Your eyes widen with disbelief as you see your favorite chocolate inside the cute box. "But how?.." you wonder questioningly. You look back to him and raise your brow "Hobi... You can't buy these types here... how did you get this?"
He shrugs and looks away, slightly embarrassed as he mumbles quietly but you heard him loud and clear. "...it's just that you told me before that those were your favorites so I wanted to try making them for you... The guys helped too..."

You feel all the anger at waiting for him fade away, as you look at him with a wide grin and then pinch his cheeks. "Awwww my Hobi is swuch a cutie pwie" you tease with a tone and he laughs without restraint. After a quick peck, you both head inside the aquarium.


You're both hands in hand, you looking around with enthusiasm, and him much calmer. You seem to be more excited than he is so you wonder if he's not having as much fun as you th-

"Y/N! OH MY GOD THEY HAVE PENGUINS" he screams and runs ahead of you.

"...Nevermind, he's fine" you think shaking your head.

You jog slightly to catch up with him and see him pull his phone out to take a video. You laugh and when he finishes you steal his phone so you could get a few pictures of him with them. Then you both hear an announcement about a performance that they were having in a couple minutes, so you both sit up front and wait.

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