(1) Four Leaf Clover

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Your back makes a soft thud as you land roughly on the ground, shifting ever so slightly to get comfortable on the freshly cut grass that glistened with dew.

When you take a deep breath, you could smell the sugary sweet aroma of the nature that surrounded you. With your eyes closed, you could also hear the flowing water of the river beside you and finally you exhale deeply.

This was your sanctuary and escape from the busy world around you; the only time you could really relax.

Sometimes you just needed to take yourself away from the stress and negativity of the world and just have a moment to yourself in the bubble of peace only your spot could bring you to.

Soon enough, you dozed off, your school jacket laying messily beside you and your backpack behind your head for cushioning, as the sun kissed your skin.
Eventually you woke up, blinking blearily and noting with heavy eyes that the sun would soon be setting -your favorite time of the day.

You propped yourself up on your elbows and languidly brushed your hands on the turf, eyeing the clovers and dandelions that were scattered all around.

At one point you paused, your eye catching on one particular leaf out of them all. When you reached over to pick it up, you huff in sheer disbelief, drawing the clover closer to your face.

It wasn't just an ordinary clover though, it was a four leafed clover.
You broke out into a huge grin.

Your eyes then softly fluttered shut and you mouthed a quick wish before tucking the leaf away delicately between the pages of your textbook.

'I wish that everyday would be full of this much hope and peace'

That much you believed was probable.

With another lazy yawn, you put your earphones on and began humming softly while bobbing your head to the music that was playing. You laid down once more and got lost in the clouds above you.
That is until the sound of someone screaming broke you out of your little reverie.

"WATCH OUT!" Someone warned and you reflexively curled up into a ball, a good move because that was when a bike narrowly missed the spot where you were sitting on.

It skidded down the slope and crashed into a stump, throwing the man who was riding it off and you swore at that moment, you truly believed that people had the ability to fly.

But that belief ended the second he crashed into the water.
"I-I can't swim!" The man shouted and your eyes widened in disbelief as you clumsily stood up and ran down to help him out.

"Out of all the people who had to end up in a river..." you thought amazedly.

Without thinking twice though, you dived into the icy river and swam to the aid of the flailing man, wrapping your arms around his waist tightly and dragging him back to the shore.

He probably didn't realize he wasn't sinking anymore because he was still waving his arms up and down.

"Will you stop moving for just a minute? We're both going to go down if you keep this up" you pointed out sarcastically and when he tenses in surprise you knew you were right about him not realizing you were there.

정호석 | Hoseok Imaginesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें