(1) Testing the Waters

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You walk into your best friends house without knocking and see him asleep on the sofa.

With a wicked grin, you silently grab a green towel from his kitchen counter and while rolling it thinly, you creep towards him.

When you finally stand over him, you noted that he looked so serene and peaceful. It was almost a shame that you were going to ruin that in a couple of seconds and even though your eyes softened, you drape the towel on his stomach, making it touch his arms slightly.

You nod acceptingly and then get into position, pulling out your phone and schooling your expression into one of horror.

"OH MY GOD! HOBI! T-THERES A FUCKING SNAKE ON YOU! HOLY SHIT!" you scream, pointing your fingers at his chest.

The sleeping Hobi jerks awake and sluggishly tries to process what you said. "W-ha?" he says, voice husky from his nap.

In his sleepy state, he couldn't really distinguish the difference between a scaly creature and a dishrag. But in his defense -as he argued later- they were both green, so obviously anyone would make that mistake.

When he sees the rolled up towel draped over him, the reaction was instantaneous.
He screamed so loudly that you almost dropped your phone in surprise.
Chim jumps in his chair, startled, and quickly turns to the equally shocked Taehyung who looked up from his laptop.

"Did you hear?..." he asks hesitantly and Tae slowly nods while looking around the area fearfully.

"G-ghost?" he whispers and the two gulp nervously wondering what the high pitched noise -that sounded like someone was getting murdered- was.
You were almost in tears and your entire body was shaking in mirth as you hit the end button on your video.

Hobi was lying on the floor, flailing around and still screeching. He finally gets on his kneels and scrambles as far away from sofa as he could but his head kept shifting to different areas in the room in search for the reptile.

You gasp, unable to pull yourself together and Hobi slowly comprehends what happened. He glares at you with a look of promised pain.

"Y/N...." he growls and you freeze at the threatening tone of his voice.

"You're so fucking dead!" he screams and tackles you.

He bloody tackled you.

Not lightly mind you, but the same full contact tackle you would see in Rugby games.

Your back lands on the floor and you hiss in pain. "Hobi! What the hell! That was so uncalled for!" you scream and he only looks at you smugly while dusting his hands off.

"You should've thought about that before waking me up from my nap like a retard. Who the hell even does that?" he asks with a scowl.

You stick your tongue out. "You're turning into Yoongi you lazy shit! And maybe you shouldn't have been sleeping out in the open like that. Anyone would have done the same!" you shout back and he sneers at you.

"Don't break in my house then!" he screams.

"Don't make it easy for me to break in then!" you scream back without missing a beat.

The two of you glare at each other and you could have sworn there was electricity shooting out from both your eyes from the intensity of your glares.

His lips twitch.

Your nose flares.

And then all of a sudden the two of you were laughing like there was no tomorrow.

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