(1) Even in the rain, the sun shines

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One Shot

You take a deep heavy breath as you tried to maintain your head stand.

You feel the warm trail of sweat move down your forehead to your hairline. With another shaky breath, you shift your arms slightly in order to keep your posture steady.

A smile adorns your face when you realize how long you've been holding your pose for; at this rate you would beat your old record.

Shutting your eyes, you try to keep your mind off of your burning muscles and instead focus on the piano version of the boy's 봄날 (Spring Day) that was blasting out of your speakers.

Suddenly you hear a rambunctious round of laughter and your door slams wide open, throwing whatever bit of concentration you had left, right out the window.

Your eyes snap open in surprise at the sudden sound and you feel your arms give out as you tumble on the floor painfully, landing on your back with a groan.

A flabbergasted Hobi stares down at your collapsed form in horror and you glare weakly at him.

"...do you know what knocking is Hobi?..." you mumble and press your face on the wood floor exasperatedly.

A sheepish laugh was the only answer you got.
"But Y/NNNN how was I supposed to know you were doing some yoga shit?" Hobi complains while clinging onto your arms.

You scowl at him and shake him off. "Yah. Let's ask the real question here, like how the hell did you get into my apartment in the first place? I didn't get a call from the lobby asking to let you in" You say and he pouts at your accusatory tone.

However you see him give you a wide grin. "The receptionist downstairs was more than happy to let me through after I took a photo with her and signed her phone" he tells you smugly and you roll your eyes.

Of course, how could you have forgotten. The boys basically had all the girls and guys in the world on a leash, allowing them to get away with anything they wanted, like getting into your apartment for example.

He ignores your look of exasperation. "...It was easy after that. All of us know the combination to your door anyways so I just let myself in." He finishes with a shrug and you gape at him.

"But I never told any of you my door pin though!" You exclaim in disbelief and Hobi huffs in obviousness.

"Well you definitely didn't do a good job at choosing it because I'm pretty sure using your birthday as a code is the worst thing you could have come up with if you actually wanted to keep us out." he blandly says and you sweatdrop because you actually thought it was a smart move at the time...

You don't respond and continue to glare, knowing that you lost. Of course, in response to your dark look, he coos. "Aww don't be such a downer. You can always do better next time!" He condescendingly says while ruffling your hair and you shove his hand away with a small shout.

"Hobi! Stop! You know I hate it when you do that!" You scream but giggle when he persistently tried to continue.

He gives you a questioning look. "Do what? Oh you mean this?" He cheekily asks and draws you in a headlock while giving you a noogie and you scream even more, trying to get away.

The sound of both your laughter mingled in the air of your apartment.

Ah, just another normal day when Jung Hoseok was involved.

"So the usual?" He asks with a smile and you smile. It was his and your tradition to always get the same ice cream from the little convenience store near your building.

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