(1) Last Chance

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You breathe nervously, feeling your chest quiver. When you glance at the full length mirror, you see a woman behind the mesh silk veil that hid her made up face. She was dressed in one of the most gorgeous gowns designed specifically for this special day and her hair was done exquisitely with nothing out of place.

You raise your arms slowly, and the reflection does the same. That woman was you.

Today was the day you were getting married to the man whose smile made your heart flutter.

Despite being anxious, you smile softly in anticipation.

However, for a split second your thoughts drift to your first love and you can't help the painful tightening of your heart when you imagine what it would feel like if you were marrying him today instead of your fiance.

Before your thoughts trailed dangerously close to something you kept buried in the past, you shake your head, clearing your mind and once again plant a smile on your face.
Hoseok paced skittishly, he didn't think he was ready for today. He didn't even know if he could make himself go through the entire thing without saying something stupid that he might later regret. It was probably the nerves talking or the stress he was feeling but if there was one thing he knew for sure, it was that you'd look breathtaking gorgeous when you walked down the aisle and for that he couldn't be any happier.

He knows how long you had been looking forward to this day because people talked of how much time you spent planning. When the ceremony was over, you would hold a different last name and everything would be change.

It was completely unfair to you that his heart wasn't for this wedding a full 100% though, and he cursed at his selfish thoughts.

You of all people deserved the best, he promised you that himself but he didn't know for sure if this was what he meant.

It was too late to take anything back.

Fixing his tux stiffly, he tried to take a deep calming breath.
The crowd grew increasingly larger as time passed and Hoseok fidgeted restlessly when he saw all the friends and family that greeted him pleasantly, making small talk on how excited they were to see you and how beautifully decorated the venue was.

He gulped even more when he glanced at his watch and saw that it was almost time.

He really couldn't go through with this wedding, it just wasn't right.

Unfortunately, he kept his emotions held down firmly and logically kept his mouth shut.

This may be the biggest mistake he made in his life.
It was time. You were about to walk down the aisle and your father held your arm encouragingly. Today was the day you were supposed to be the happiest but you couldn't help the cynical thought that crossed your mind once again.

"Is this really the man I want to be marrying?" you think skeptically.

You weren't stupid; you could tell that as the wedding date drew nearer, he grew more distant. He hugged you less and told you he loved you fewer these days but despite all that you still agreed to marry him.

He wasn't entirely at fault though. The more you thought about it, the more you realized that you were doing the same to him, wishing that things worked out between your ex. It wasn't that you both didn't love each other though, but more on the fact that you two maybe weren't the right people for each other.

Your mood dampened at the long overdue realization.

It was wrong, you were both using having a marriage of convenience and were getting married for all the wrong reasons. Getting over your first loves was what brought you together in the first place and that should've been the first sign.

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