New Card Played

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Shirayuki was thrown down a pit and it was fairly dark, but not impossible to see. She tried to pull herself up. Her dress was looking pretty mangled and covered in a crimson red dust that matched the cave floor. She dusted herself off from the crimson red dust that also coated the rock floor.

She heard lots of banging sounds and things ripping each other apart.

She heard a familiar voice call down the pit. "Have fun with your new toy!"

"Kiki!" Shirayuki shrieked in fear. "Why are you doing this?!"

But Kiki left without another word.

Shirayuki heard the sound of opening cages and then she was surrounded by men. But there was some kind of sickness that loomed over them. Not an illness, but something that Shirayuki couldn't put her finger on.

Shirayuki backed away from them slowly.

They looked like they might hurt her in ways she could never recover from.

One man came into the moonlit pit and the light exposed him for what he is. He had black paws and silver stripes. His claws were massive and definitely brought many victims to their demise. His mouth had tiger like fangs and then as he approached her, he was tackled by a giant black bear that had come out of nowhere. He suddenly changed into a full on tiger, with glowing red eyes and silver stripes on his black body and quickly defended his new territory.

Shirayuki suddenly noticed that the men surrounding her were changing into all kinds of beasts and ripping each other apart over possession of her. She felt the cave wall at her back and cringed as she knew she would eventually be at their mercy. She had to dodge a few swipes of misguided claws and jump out of the way before getting crush by a giant gorilla beast, that was thrown at the wall in her direction.

Out of nowhere a hand grabbed her and led her towards the shadows. "This way!" It was a female voice that expressed urgency.

Shirayuki didn't know who she was but she knew that her chances were better with this woman. They managed to get out of the caves but Shirayuki's foot got caught on a dead stump and she tumbled down the dark and dreary rocky slope.

She landed at the base with a crunch. She quickly inspected herself to see if she had broken anything and sure enough, she did. She broke a dead tree branch. A breath of relief escaped her lips, but then she was pulled up onto her feet and urged into the direction of the musty, rotting woods.

The woman pulled her into a cave and Shirayuki finally got to see her rescuer, when she stepped into the candle light. The cave had a simple work desk, book shelves and a pool in the far side. It wasn't much, but the woman took her full attention.

Shirayuki stared at her in great shock. This woman had been infused with poison ivy throughout her body and she wasn't wearing a dress, rather than a big wilted flower. The stamen of that said flower was peaking out from just below her chest and the petals covered her body well enough. Other than the shrivelled brown color it was exhibiting, the flower would have looked like a very fine dress. The petals wrapped around her curves and underneath those petals at her back, were two smaller stamen at the points just above her hips. It could have been sold as a dress, if it weren't for the lack of extension down the legs, that would deem it as inappropriate. Shirayuki could tell that this woman couldn't wear clothes, because the flowers were actually a part of her.

"I know. It looks weird."

Shirayuki felt the itchiness on her arms and started to scratch at them. "Poison ivy?" The rest of her body responded in likeness.


"Who are you?! What is this place?!" Shirayuki started to panic.

"Princess Shirayuki, please calm down. You are safe for now."

Mystical Cariparell (The Pink Blossom Series: Magical Twist)Where stories live. Discover now