Evening the Odds

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Once we were a safe distance from the castle, we made a fire and Miko decided to explain. "The guards were loyal to my family. After the injustice, most of the guards have been scared into submission, but there are a few that work inside the castle and gather intel, providing me aid, if things get too far out of hand. The queen thinks she can twist the kingdom, but everyone is just lying in wait for the day we can take our freedom back."

"Then what can you tell us about Shirayuki and Amari?" Zen insisted.

My eyes grew wide. "They are here?!" Fear started to snare me.

Miko turned to me. "Do not give into fear. It will take you by the heart and turn you towards the darkness."

"I don't understand. If darkness can consume that easily, then why don't others succumb to it's alluring power?" That didn't make any sense to me.

"The feelings themselves do not, but if you allow it, it will consume you. You need to learn to wield the light within you. It will give you the strength to fight it." Miko explained.

"When can I start?" I stood up abruptly.

"Miko, as much I would love to see you get stronger, we need to find out where they are keeping Shirayuki." Zen urged.

Nosuke stood there sadly. "The island."

Miko's face flushed. "You mean she is... no..."

Zen's expression turned darker. "You mean the island where she practices her magic?!"

Nosuke nodded reluctantly at Zen's sudden outburst.

Kiki started to awaken.

"And I wouldn't blame Mitsuhide. The queen has been dancing around him for a while now. She is using some kind of powerful magic to restore the Mitsuhide that she lost in battle." Nosuke updated.

"How can we get to the island?" Zen urged.

"It is impossible. The island doesn't technically exist. Maybe it did once, but it has been shrouded in mystery, since then. If it was that easy to find, more of use would fight for the island victims." Nosuke hated to tell Prince Zen that there isn't a way. "I don't have anymore time. The queen will suspect me if I am gone too long."

"Won't she kill you when she finds out you helped us?" Kat seemed extremely worried.

I however was so confused about what was going on, so all I could do was watch. I knew that Kiki never took me to any island so I had no knowledge that could help them out.

"Not if I do this." Miko stood up and twirled her finger.

Nosuke then turned into a blue jay.

"Turn him back! Are you outta yur mind?!" Kat shrieked.

Miko smirked. "She knows that I would only turn my enemies into woodland creatures. You won't have to worry about him being sent to the island now."

Nosuke tweeted and whistled his approval and flew away.

"Nosuke, lead her to Wilant! She will believe you, after discovering our presence in Wistal!" Miko ordered and he tweeted in response.

"You are turning him back, right?" Kat pressed.

"I will in time." Miko answered.

"Or the queen will." Kiki finally found her voice.

Miko shook her head slightly. "Sorry, but the queen cannot reverse my personal enchantments. Neither can I, hers."

Zen panicked. "You mean if she does anything to Shirayuki, you won't be able to reverse it?!"

Miko let out a sigh. "That's correct."

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