He's Evil, But I Can't Stay Away: Walk Like an Egyptian: Part 1

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The first episode of Total Drama World Tour. Most people were excited, Sierra especially. I had to sit with Alejandro on the shuttle. I tried not to talk to him, but he just had to engage me.

"What's wrong, señorita? You're so quiet," he said, sounding concerned.

"Nothing's wrong. It's just how I am. Quiet." After that, it was silent between us.

I began to doze off, resting against the window. Stupid jetlag....

"My shoulder is more comfortable than the window."

"I'm not snuggling against you. It could be taken the wrong way."

"Suit yourself."


"So, let's meet our players. Courtney, Duncan, Heather, Gwen, LeShawna..."

"Are there reserved seats? I.E. Can I have one not behind Heather's pony hair pony tail?" Gwen asked after bumping into Heather.

"Um, my extensions are human hair!"

"Ya learn something new every day," Duncan said making Gwen snicker.

"Lindsay, Owen, DJ, Harold..." Lindsay walked off, followed by DJ who was holding onto Owen. 

"Sweet strawberry preserves! NO!" Owen screamed.

"He's afraid of flyin', remember?" 

"Aerophobia, from the Latin. As opposed to Aeronausiphobia, the fear of airsickness," Harold informed everyone.

"Keep up the fascinating facts and I'll be aero-nauseous all over you," Noah said, stepping off the bus.

"And returning favorites: Noah, Cody, and-"

"Yo, yo, yo. This year's winner is in the house...bus...I mean runwa-ie! Where's the plane, eh?" What an idiot. Ezekiel is cockier than ever, I can't wait until he's eliminated.

"I know, right? Let's fly!" Izzy jumped onto Ezekiel's shoulders, knocking him off balance and sending them both to the ground.

"Yup! Izzy's back. Also returning this season: Tyler. And the co-host of Total Drama Aftermath: Bridgette." Both tripped over Izzy and Zeke.

"Yo, Chris, you forgot to introduce me."

Chris sighed. "And Ezekiel. And now to mix things up and keep it all fresh: we're adding three new competitors. He's an honor-roll student with a diplomat for a dad and an amazing ability to charm the pants off most species. Alejandro!" He walked off the bus wearing sunglasses and I was glad to be rid of him.

"Perhaps...I can assist?" He helped Bridgette and Izzy up, definitely impressing them.

"Wowie," Izzy said.

"I-I have a boyfriend," Bridgette said nervously.

Alejandro helped Tyler and Ezekiel up too, impressing them, but made Tyler uncomfortable.

"She's a sugar-addicted super fan with sixteen Total Drama blogs. Sierra!" She ran off, the "sugar-addicted" part showing. "Oh my gosh I love you guys! And this is the greatest day of my life! And-" She began hyperventilating and asked for a paper bag to breathe into. Then, she saw Cody, her main obsession. She ran over, a dust trail behind her. Still want that paper bag? I thought.

"Oh my gosh, Cody! I've dreamt if this moment. Only you weren't wearing a shirt." Creeper....

"And she used to be a part-time model, but no one would use her pictures. She talent, she's gorgeous, she's Artemis!"

He's Evil, But I Can't Stay Away (Alejandro Total Drama World Tour)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz