He's Evil, But I Can't Stay Away The Am-AH-Zon Race

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In economy class, Owen was sleeping, having a nightmare about the plane crashing.

"Going down...engine failure..."

"Would you pipe down, already?" Alejandro asked, elbowing Owen.

"Crash position.... AH!" Owen swung his fists. Izzy ducked, but Alejandro wasn't so lucky. Owen clocked him right in the right eye. I fell off my couch, rolling with laughter. "Whoa, what a dream. Al, what happened?"

"Nothing a little ice and revenge won't fix."

"Cool. Wait, did you say 'revenge'?" Owen asked.

"Of course not. Off topic. Do you have any serious allergies?"

"Well, let's see now..."Owen started

"Alejandro!" I gasped. "You're horrible!" I got back on my sofa.

[Restroom Confessional:

Owen: Sometimes I get the feeling Al might slightly not totally like me. Punching him in the face probably didn't help. Unless he likes that kinda thing. Huh. Fingers crossed.]

Chef came in with an eye patch. "Artemis, put the patch on!"

I rushed over. "Yes, sir!" I took the patch and Chef left. I put the band around his head and positioned the patch over his eye. Then, I snapped it into place from a short distance. He flinched, but he smiled at me.

"Thank you."

"Uh...no problem." I went back to my sofa and stretched out. "Have fun playing pirate, matey." I snickered.

Noah slept off in the corner, but was rudely awakened by a rat that fell into his mouth. "Stupid economy class!" he said after spitting the rat out.

"Being back here has some perks," Tyler said, looking over at Lindsay.

"Next time we get on this plane, we better be back in first class," Alejandro said.

"Awww, but I like my couch. It's so comfy."

"You're the only one with any comfort back here," Noah said.

"Let's be a team! A team that gets along. All of us! With everyone forgiving anything that might've ever happened by accident or...whatever. YEAH!" Owen said, hugging Alejandro then pushing him off the bench.

"I feel bad votin' off LeShawna. All she did was hurt Heather. I'm hurtin' innocent animals. How long can a curse last, anyway?" DJ said.

"Generations," I replied, not realizing it was rhetorical.

"Cheer up, DJ. If Tyler can come back, anything can happen. Maybe we'll become the best team ever!" Lindsay said, trying to cheer up her only remaining teammate.

"Here's the best team ever...is exactly what I'll say when I get into the first class compartment," Chris said, leaving. DJ sighed heavily. What a jerk.


"Brace for landing! We've arrived at our next destination; The Amazon! But the runway's a little short. Gosh, I hope none of the Amazons said this might be lucky for them. That'd be disastrous!"

After touching down and crashing, we all got off the plane.


"Welcome to Peru. Birthplace of the mighty Amazon River. This challenge is called the Am-AH-zon Race. Teams must hike along an ancient Inca trail through the Peruvian jungle, all the way to Machu Picchu. Hidden somewhere among the ruins of Machu Picchu, a golden treasure awaits discovery. Find the treasure to win first class passage to our next destination. Last team to arrive at Machu Picchu will have to send someone out the elimination door. And be warned, the jungle contains many vicious insects." Cody raised his hand. "Yes, Cody the legal department made me well aware of your deathly allergies and insisted we supply an EpiPen. Wouldn't make sense to give it to the person who has the allergies. What if you need an injection while you're unconscious?"

He's Evil, But I Can't Stay Away (Alejandro Total Drama World Tour)Where stories live. Discover now