He's Evil, But I Can't Stay Away Slap, Slap Revolution

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“Man, I’m just so sick of having this stupid animal mangling curse!” DJ said, crossing his arms.

“Curse schmurse” LeShawna replied. “The more you believe that trash, the more power it has over you.”

“Really? Wow! Maybe you’re right!” DJ said, filled with new hope.

“Six episodes and no eliminations. If we were a steak, we’d be a thirty-two ounce porterhouse! And you guys would be a tiny piece of bologna,” Owen said loudly, taunting Team Victory.

“Need I remind you all that we lost the last challenge?” Alejandro asked.

“Yeah, don’t get cocky, Owen. It’ll just bring us misfortune,” I yawned, stretching out on my sofa. I was wrapped up in my mink blanket, feeling icy. “But mostly you.”

“But with Al as our leader, nothing’s impossible! Heck, I’m not even afraid of flying, anymore. Check this out.” He removed his safety harness and ballet danced around. Just then, we hit turbulence. Owen bounced all over the place.

The hole opened up again. Man, I need to remember to talk to Chris about a seat belt for my sofa. Owen was almost sucked out of the plane again, but managed to hold onto the sides of the hole.

“Somebody? PRETTY PLEASE! AL! Give me an ale-hand, bro!” I tried to hold my laughter in until the hole was re-blocked…again.

[Restroom Confessional:

Alejandro: Ugh. How dare he pervert the name of Alejandro Burromuerto!*]

DJ and Lindsay pulled Owen back into the plane and LeShawna and I pushed a large crate in front of the hole. The other members of Team Chris fell to the floor once the airflow stopped. Owen rocked in the fetal position and a seagull that had been atop his noodle flew into DJ’s lap.

“Awww he likes you,” I said, smiling.

“Shoo, go. You’re not safe with me.” So much for the new hope.

[Restroom Confessional:

Sierra: I’m already prepping souvenirs for my post-season online charity auction. Like every time Heather thinks she’s using me, I make a little notch in my belt. See?

She removed her belt, causing her pants to fall down and reveal her pink panties.


Cody scrubbed his tongue with a toothbrush.

Cody: Does she keep her thumbs in her armpits when we‘re not looking?!


Sierra actually had her thumbs in her armpits.

Sierra: Cody is soooooooo into me.]


“Whoa, aren’t those the Alps?” Noah asked, looking out the window.

“Welcome mein wienerschnitzel. In preparation for landing, please unbuckle your seatbelts and head to the cargo hold.”


“Now what?” Just as LeShawna finished, we were all dropped from the cargo hold into the snow. Alejandro caught me and set me aside. Then, he tried to catch LeShawna, but ended up buried in the snow under her. “Thanks, Alejandro.”

“No problem,” he replied, pain clear in his voice.

While I was taking pleasure in his misfortune, Tyler popped up next to Lindsay.

“Hi, Darrel!” she said, ticking Tyler way off.

“It’s me! Tyler!” He said rather loudly. “Season one, you and I were together!”

He's Evil, But I Can't Stay Away (Alejandro Total Drama World Tour)Where stories live. Discover now