He's Evil, But I Can't Stay Away: Newf Kids on the Rock

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The entire plane ride, I'd gotten emails and phone calls. Well, Chris got emails and phone calls and just relayed the important stuff to me, often so fast and while walking away so I couldn't always get everything. Even my parents, when they found time in their busy schedules, called to check up on me. The one time I got to talk to someone myself, Daddy really let Chris have it for not keeping a better eye on me, but I told him it was my fault for not leaving at the first sign of trouble. But I was starting to get sick of hearing what boiled down to the same well wished. At least Alejandro left me alone for the most part. I didn't know what was worse, the times I had to talk to him or the shorts I had to wear because my cast wouldn't fit in my jeans.


[Restroom Confessional:

Heather: Five of us on my team, five of them on his team...well six, but Artemis is so far out of commission, she's no longer a threat. Chris'll probably send her home. Then there's DJ. His own team. Make an alliance and you kinda add him to yours.]


In economy class, Izzy was asleep on the floor while the guys discussed asking DJ to form an alliance with our team.

"I don't know what to say to him. I've always been the alliance-ee, not the alliance-er." Owen muttered.

"It's like asking a girl out. Only she's a guy," Noah advised.

"Oh. Ahem. Hey, DJ! Hey. Uh...ya wanna go fer hotdogs with my buddy Noah? He said your legs are nice." He wolf-whistled and DJ looked confused and uncomfortable.

"Yeah, because that's exactly what I told him to say."

"One cannot blunder into an alliance, friends."

"Why couldn't you lose so Lindsay could still be here?" Tyler said angrily.

"Anger also doesn't help."

"Listen, I'm sorry. I tried okay? But you only have to put up with me for one more day."

"Going somewhere, DJ?"

"I'm losin' the next challenge."

"What?!" Heather fell out of the vent. "Ow!"

"What have we here?" Alejandro asked. "Doing a little spying, are we?"

"I was just...uh...I dropped my pen. See? No scheming. Just scribbling. Owen, I am issuing you a ticket for fashion crimes. Your socks reek!"

"Oh, am I wearing socks? I can't even see my feet."


[Restroom Confessional:

DJ: As the only one left on Team Victory, I'm havin' a hard time seein' how I can possibly win this thing. Plus, I have a bit of a cold. And let's face it, I've never had a killer instinct. Unless it's an animal, it turns out.

Heather: DJ!

DJ: Aaaaaah!

Heather: Make an alliance with my team and we'll help you win

DJ: What are you doi- Hey! It's a good thing I wasn't doin' my business in here.

Heather: I did have to wait a while for you to show up. F-Y-I Izzy likes to sing Pop Goes the Weasel when she...blech.]


The plane skipped along the water until it stopped in the middle of nowhere. "Attention all Total Drama passengers, in accordance with emergency landing procedures, you will now be shown the nearest exit." Chef herded everyone able bodied off the plane into the water except for Heather who was thrown out on a seat cushion. He led me to an ancient-looking fishing boat.

He's Evil, But I Can't Stay Away (Alejandro Total Drama World Tour)Where stories live. Discover now