CHAPTER 2: Dirty Mind

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The bus was already messy. It was kinda hard for me to understand how they can have the bus like this on this short amount of time, I mean, we left San Francisco just 24 hours ago! We sat on the couch not really knowing what to do. We've been thanking them for the last twenty minutes. We already ran out of ideas of what to say. It was 4 pm and we were exhausted. Mikey was the one who asked about the bunks.

-Well, we have four and we use the couch as one too – said Jack – Josh has been suffering of pain on the lower back so he has to sleep alone, the bunks aren't that big and we don't want him to get worst – We all nodded, that means, I have to share. I know I said I didn't care but I'm not an easy 'bed-mate' really. I have a hell lot of nightmares and usually sleep hugging a stuffed animal. MY stuffed animal that was on our bus and now it's ashes. That broke my heart, I've had that one since I was little. Aaron moving his hands in front of my face took me out of my daydreaming.

-Hey Chloie, come back, hunny... Cool, you're back. As I was saying, Jack and I are on a relationship. And no, as much as I'd like to say we're dating each other, I'm dating someone else – We laughed and Jack snapped Aaron's head. He continued.

-Ignore Aaron. What we mean is, Chloe, we're not an option to share bunk with. We don't want our girlfriends to kick our ass. So choose between Mark and Kyle.

I looked at Mark and Kyle. I've just met them, I didn't know how to decide. Then I thought about something...

-Hey Mark, which one's yours?

-Bottom left, why?

-And Kyle's?

-Upper right.

-I choose Mark, there's no way I'm climbing to get into a bunk – They all laughed at my laziness. After I choose, the rest partnered. Jasper went with Aaron. Singers unite! Sam with Jack and Mikey with Kyle. The topic changed and before we could think about it was 7 pm. I was tired so I decided to go to sleep. Mark gave me one of his shirts and Aaron one of his shorts. It's funny how Aaron and I can share shorts he's kinda small. But anyways, I changed and got into the bunk, once my head touched the pillow I was asleep.

I woke up by someone shaking me. The sensation of those big hands pulling of my clothes was still too real and when I opened my eyes I couldn't help but see his face. Seconds later that face became Mark's and I've never felt safer.

-Hey Chloie, calm down, it was just a nightmare. You're fine. No one's gonna hurt you – His voice was soft and quiet and he was stroking my hair, making my breathing regular again and my body to stop shaking. Without thinking I hugged him and started crying. He hugged me back and kept telling me that I was fine, that he was there, that I wasn't alone. Jasper got up and took me out of the bunk, he carried me to the couch and Mark handed me a bottle of water. Jasper side-hugged me and kissed my head.

-Was that one again? Tell me about it – He asked on my hair. I nodded, took a big breath and told him about it as I've done for the last year.

"3:56 AM and he hasn't come home yet. I still wonder how her name is. It's the last he can give me after all I've been through. The door of our bedroom opened slowly, the odor almost made me puke. He's been drinking that cheap whisky again. I felt the covers being moved and weight on my back. His hand slides down my short and I take that hand off of me. I'm pissed, I don't want sex, and I want to break up with him, right now. I sit straight on bed, he's mad at my for bring him down, I can feel his gaze and it's not a lovely one, it's been two years since I've seen a lovely gaze on his eyes. I'm tired. Tired of waiting alone on this apartment, tired of the cheating, tired of the slaps on the face, the roses on the next day. I'm tired of sorry's.

-I'm sorry – He says not louder than a whisper. That snapped me.

-You don't heal this with just a sorry. I'm done with your shit Matt. I want you out of this apartment tomorrow morning – I can't believe I did it. I've never thought I'll ever be brave enough. I look at his face. He's sad but not for so long. He's mad now. And he's drunk. Before I could think about it he's over me. His hands grab on my clothes and start to pull of them. He takes them off. I don't even know when did he took his owns off. He's forcing something I don't want. I cry. I beg him to stop. I tell him it hurts. He never stops. I slap him on the face. That stops him but he's so mad now... He puts his hands on my neck and starts squeezing. I can't breathe. I feel like dying. I think I'm dying. He had all he wanted and now his killing me. My eyes start shutting, I can't see anything. I can't think, I can't do anything. He's killing me and I can't do anything. I shut my eyes, I can't open them back, I try but I can't. He's not squeezing anymore. He thinks I'm dead. Before I lose consciousness I can feel his hands on me again. He's going for round two but at least this time I won't be awake."


Note: Wow, chapter 2 goes to the point. I know it's something hard to read, it was hard to write too, but sadly, this is something we see often. Sadly, this is not fiction, that's why I included this on the story. Unlike Chloe, most of the women can't escape from their abuser. So I like to write about her surviving this nightmare.  

I forgot to add on the last cap, point out any mistakes, I've never showed this to a beta so they might be some awful mistakes I couldn't see. 

Hope you liked the chapter :3

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