CHAPTER 10: The purest soul on Earth

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-Ethan – The pitch black eyes penetrated my soul. To this time I just saw one emotion on them: hate. But now there was something else. That started to change slowly. First, its hands, the ones that once were on fire, now were beautiful, just like they were that day before he left. Then its body, becoming the short but buffed man I remembered. And last, its face. I'll never forget this moment. The black eyes got back to the hazel ones he used to have; the mouth healed every wound on it, leaving the sight of a human smile full of perfect teeth. Mom used to say he had the best teeth on earth. He never needed braces and that was good for us because we had to spent a lot of money on dad's ones. He smiled at me, the same smile I missed so much. I got used to the idea I would never see him again. He would never smile at me, look at me, stood in front of me. But here he was doing all of that. He placed his hand on the window and I walked to him, I needed to touch him one more time. I wanted a hug and a kiss on my forehead to go to sleep. He used to give those. I put my hand on the glass and hoped to feel his warm through it, but it felt cold and dead, just like he was.

-Please, open the door – His voice, I missed it so much. It sounded the same as always. It was soft and quiet, like Mark's voice. A tear rolled peaceful down my cheek but I wasn't sad. I was actually happy. I turned quickly and went to the door. I needed to hug my brother. I needed to take the pain out of his chest. Ethan ran to the other side of the bus and waited in the door for me. Before I could reach the handle, Kyle tackled me. Any rugby coach would say it was a perfect tackle. But I wanted to kill him now.

­-What the hell, Kyle! – he looked at me like he felt sorry then he rushed out the words while I got up and grabbed the handle – I just want to hug him.

-You can't open that door and let him in! It's 4 in the morning, he'll wkill us all! Please, Chloie, listen to me, don't open the door – I looked at him. What if he was right, what if That was using me? Because he still was That. I let my hand drop and walked backwards. That yelled from the outside. It's usual, dead voice. It was mad again. I remembered the Ouija board and how it lost control and everyone saw it. I heard screams from out of the bus. Mikey pecked out the window.

-Everyone's out of their buses and they see it! –It was losing control. What would it do this time? I worried about my marks, still fresh on my body. Suddenly flames were around the bus. If it wasn't killing me outside, he was burning the hell out of this bus. I heard it half yelling, half laughing. It was enjoying it. Mark grabbed my hand. The air was hot and the nine of us were sweating. He put his hand on my face and kissed me on the lips. It wasn't anything sexual not even passionate. It was love. I didn't felt like dying anymore but I didn't felt alive knowing he was going to die. I didn't want him to die, or my friends. That wanted me.

And that's what I was going to give it. I let go of Mark's hand and ran to the door opening it quickly. The guys yelled at me not to, but it was too late. Outside, every band of the Warped Tour was looking at That. And it was standing in the middle of the fire looking at me. I still don't know how I got the guts to talk this firmly to it.

-You're not allowed to get into this bus – The fire around intensified – but I'll go out with one condition: I have to be your last victim. No more deaths. Not even Jess, she's my friend and she was your girl, I love her and I know that you, deep inside, still do it too – The flames disappeared. Everything was dark. Mark grabbed me by the arm and tried to pull me even more into the bus. He was shaking his head no furiously, he was crying. I could see his heart on his gaze. I had to do it, he was worth it. I caressed his cheek while I let an unexpected 'I love you' fall from my lips. He said 'I love you more' barely louder than a whisper, it was just for me to hear. It was our moment, our last moment. I wasn't heart broken. I loved him. And he loved me too. That's all I needed to know to go with peace on my heart. I looked at him one more time, just to make sure that his features will be something I'd remember when the time will be over for me. I turned around.

That wasn't there anymore, but Ethan was kneeled in front of me. His head was down, facing the ground. From there he said – No – It wasn't something loud or filled with anger. But it was a no anyways. He was denying my offer. He was killing us all. It was all over. He looked up at me, his hazel eyes full of... love? Softly he spoke.

­-I won't take you. I'm on peace. I'm free to go. You and Jess were everything to me. You're loved and you love. And now I know I'm loved too. You're full of love, enough for the two of us. Congratulations Chlochlo, we are free. I love you ­– And just with that, he disappeared. He vanished. I smiled, he was free and I was too. I turned around and jumped on Mark's arms. He hugged me tight and the guys came over for a group hug. Everything was okay again. Then something came to my mind.

-Jess – I said out loud. Everyone looked at me – We need to save Jess, she's still with Matt!


Note: Something interesting to know about Shinto is that the followers believe that you can change someone's/somewhere's energy. When someone dies, some people does a meditate session to bring peace to the place of dead. It's to change the negative energy into positive. Chloe did something like that for Ethan.

I hope you liked the chapter, the next one is the gran final.

And remember, if you want to be safe, keep it up with the good vibes...

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