CHAPTER 8: Matt's revenge

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We made an hypothesis: Matt's mad, so he summons a ghost who's as heart-broken as himself. He tells the ghost I'm the reason his sad and mad. He could even have lied to the ghost. He asks the ghost to kill me as a revenge but, what could Matt give the ghost as payment? I'm sure the ghost would never kill me for free.

The alarm starts beeping and Mark turns around to shut it up. The sun illuminates his face and I found myself staring like an idiot. Since last night that I finally accepted to myself that I liked him my mind wouldn't shut up about how flawless he is. I felt stupid. I was trying to get rid of an evil ghost but I couldn't stop thinking about how much I wanted to kiss him. He looked at me and smiled.

-Good morning, creepy. Enjoyin' the sight? – He said laughing. I couldn't help but blush. He's eyes were distracting me and I couldn't think about a sassy answer, so I just nodded like the idiot I am. He smiled wilder and before I could think about it he was kissing me. Without wasting any moment I kissed him back. The kiss was everything I expected it to be and more. I felt happy and safe as haven't felt for so long. We kept kissing until we heard whispers behind Mark.

-I told you. You own me $10 dickhead – Aaron said whisper-yelling.

-Oh, fuck you, Aaron! Here, enjoy your dirty money – Mikey answered annoyed. We turned to find everyone standing outside our bunk.

-You creeps, how long have you been staring? – Mark laughed while asking them. Jasper shrugged.

-Not that long, we heard you talking and then silence so Kyle checked you guys out. He told us you sharing saliva, I mean, you were kissing – Everyone laughed at Jasper's answer. I got up and closed the bunk curtains leaving them on the other side – Hey! That's so childish Chloie. At least promise us you won't take Mark's innocence away! – Then Josh added.

-Mark's never had innocence you dumb. The most we can wish is them not trying the whole Kamasutra while we are on the bus...

We ignored them and I learned in for another kiss.

The day just kept getting better. Mark and I went for lunch together. I'm glad it was just the two of us. On the afternoon I had an interview along with Vic Fuentes from Pierce The Veil and Kellin Quinn from Sleeping With Sirens. It was so much fun! I was starting to feel better, and I didn't even worry about That for a big part of the day. After the interview I went to Dirty Mind's show and when they ended their set I got ready for my own. Mark stayed at backstage the whole set and I couldn't help but look at him and smile.

At the middle of the last song I looked at the crowd. There was a hell lot of people jumping and screaming, singing our songs. But one man caught my eye. He was tall and blonde. I recognized him quickly. He smiled evilly at me and kept looking at me the rest of the song.

Matt walked straight to me when it was his turn on the line of the M&G. I couldn't move. I was scared. Before the guys could stop him he reached me and told me softly on my ear – Did you like my gift? I found it just for you Honey boo – Suddenly he was pulled away from me and an angry Mark was grabbing him by the collar of his shirt. Mark was going to hit Matt, he raced his fist and before he could hit Matt, Jasper and Jack pulled him away of that piece of shit I call my ex-boyfriend. Matt smiled triumphal at Mark and then looked at me – See you around Chloe.

-Let go of me! I'm gonna kill that motherfucker! Jack, go away! Let me punch the shit out of his face! – Jack didn't let go of Mark until we couldn't see Matt anymore. I walked to him and grabbed his face, trying to calm him down. After a few minutes he was good and we walked to the bus. I took a pack of snacks out of the doors under the kitchen sink. I grabbed two beers and we sat on the couch to watch TV. Zapping through channels, the news cached my attention.

-Today a 26 year old, Jessica Aschow, was kidnapped at the door of her work. The crime was recorded by security camera outside the place. Miss Aschow is a young...

-Lawyer – I said over the guy on TV. Mark looked at me with a puzzled look on his face.

-How do you know that?

-Shewas Ethan's girlfriend.


Note: wellwellwellwellwell. Here's the last chapter of this second part. Poor Jessica, she was kidnapped, but, why?! You'll find out later.

So prepare yourself, go to the store and buy every pack of tissues you can find because you're gonna cry... a lot. The next chapter is the honey of the pancake, the hot mozzarella cheese of the pizza, the bacon of the Burger King's biggest burger. You'll cry. 

Thanks for reading. I feel really proud of this story. I'll see you guys on my next entry in a few days. 

Have a good time doing whatever you love to do.  

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