CHAPTER 3: The Strangers

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Mark was crying. I've never seen something so heart-braking. He looked like when my younger cousin discovered my mom and aunt setting the gifts under the Christmas tree. It was pure innocence ripped from his eyes. I even wondered if he's ever been this close to the evilness of this fucked up world. Jasper, on the other hand, was used to this dream. While Matt was raping me for the second time, I lost consciousness. When I woke up he wasn't there anymore. I thought about calling the police but he's a cop, it'd be useless, so I called Jasper. I told him everything and made him promise he wouldn't tell anyone. I was scare of Matt, what would he do if someone ever knows about this? Would he want revenge? No way I was telling people about this. Jasper told me that Mikey and Sam needed to know. And he was right, I couldn't keep the secret around them even if I was ashamed of this. Jasper always told me it wasn't my fault, that I shouldn't be ashamed. Once again, he was right. It wasn't my fault, but I couldn't stop thinking 'Why did I have to break up with him? He wouldn't have done that if he weren't angry about the break up'. I was blaming myself. Jasper told me to stop thinking that and to this day I was getting better about all the blaming thing. Eventually I ended up telling Sam and Mikey. They wanted to kill him. It was the first and only time I saw Sam racing his voice. They promised to keep the secret too. It was a band secret and Mark knew about it now.

-I'm so sorry this happened to you, Chloie. I wish I had something else to say to make you feel better, but I don't know what to say – I looked at Mark. He sounded so sincere and sad. He sat next to me and we looked at each other for a moment. He was wondering if I wanted a hug, I could tell. I left Jasper's arms fall and put my head on Mark's shoulder. By now you might think I should be afraid of every male on earth. But I wasn't. What really scared the shit out of me was Matt and only him. I couldn't deal with the fact that my biggest danger was sleeping next to me, it was my own boyfriend, the man I dated for 6 years. He wasn't some sick stranger that took me into a van and kidnapped me. He was fucking living with me, he was close to me and I couldn't even see it not until he started to beat me and things got out of control. I wasn't scare of men, I was scare of closeness. I didn't want to let anyone into my heart again. I even started to draft apart of my own friends.

I felt water on my head, I looked up to find Mark still crying. Jasper got up from the couch and kissed my forehead. Without anything else he walked to his bunk, he knew Mark needed to process everything alone with me. He'd had questions and worries. Jasper had them too. He'd want to know how I feel about all of this. And what happened to Matt too.

-I could kill him, I hope someone already done that – Mark's voice was full of anger but it didn't scare me. I preferred him mad at Matt than pity for me – I wish I could change everything. I don't know, I wish I could make your life better. And I wish I could make you sleep without those horrible nightmares – I thought about my stuffed animal. It was a cat, my brother gave it to me for my birthday. He was the best person on earth but he was gone so soon. I hated the fact that toy was burned. It was everything to me. After all of this happened I started to sleep with it, it took the nightmares away – There must be something to make you feel better, like a glass of hot milk or a song, I don't know. What makes you feel better when you have those nightmares? – I didn't know if I should tell him about my toy. But he looked so concerned about me I needed to make him feel better.

-I had this toy, my brother gave it to me, it always makes me feel better, but it was on my bus... - I couldn't help the tears. Thinking about that toy burned to ashes was so painful. Mark hugged me tighter.

-I have this Pikachu, it's really fluffy and for some weird reason it smells like chocolate... - We laughed at that and I felt better for a brief second. Once he stopped he took a deep breath and kept talking – I can give it to you. I know it's not the same, but it's a really cute toy and I'm sure you'll like it – He smiled at me and suddenly I got the urge to cry again. He was a stranger to me but here he was hugging me and giving me his toy just to make me feel better. I didn't like strangers, but here, right now, I didn't felt Mark as one. He just faced my darkest part and was still here. We may be strangers, but I didn't care about that anymore, for me, he was my friend now.

-C'mon Chloie, let's go to sleep and you can hug that Pikachu for the rest of the night.

He got up and offered me his hand. I took it following him to the bunk. I really need that Pikachu right now. And my new stranger friend was the perfect company too.


Note: This is the last chapter I'm gonna post for now. I know this is not the kind of creepy you were expecting. The Second Part is were the real fun starts. 

So, a few facts about this first part:

1) Chapter 1 and 3 are slightly light while the chapter 2 is pretty dark. This is because this part is suppose to be an introduction and actually a peaceful part of Chloe's life. She's been through a lot on her life so being on Warped and making friends is her reward. 

2) When I wrote about Chloe blaming herself for the rape I am NOT saying it's her fault, neither I think it is. A lot of rape victims blame themselves, that's why they feel ashamed and refuse to accuse their aggressor. I repeat: I DO NOT THINK IT'S HER FAULT AND I DO NOT THINK SHE SHOULD FEEL ASHAMED. 

3) Sam, the bassist, is kinda based on myself. Shy and quiet. While Michael and Jasper are based on the drummers and lead singers I know. Drummers usually energetic and lead singers pretty sensible. Chloe is a mix between a lot of people, she has some things of myself but she's also a reference of some things women victim of abuse have said and things my father, a doctor, told me about the subject. 

Well, I hope you liked the chapter and this part. I'll post the second part later. 

Believe me, you'll want to read the second part... everything's just starting...

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