CHAPTER 11: Purple roses for our loved ones

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-But we have no idea where he is keeping Jess– said Sam defeated.

-We should follow him – Added Josh – But how are we going to find him?

-We can get him – Outside, at the door, the Madden brothers were looking at us. Benji spoke first.

-We can make him go somewhere and we follow him then.

-But how, he'll kill me and Jess if he knows I'm alive.

-Well, I doubt he could kill you at your funeral – Josh Madden said with a playful smile on his face.

... My God! Everyone wants me dead!

-Ready to be dead? – Benji laughed. We've been getting ready for my service for the last two hours. Everyone had suits and Mark, Jasper, Sam, Mikey and the Maddens had their speeches done. I had suit and my hair tied on a ponytail inside a hat to make myself invisible on the crowd. We made some cards to invite people to my funeral. And we made sure Matt got one. You'd see, turned out that one of Matt's neighbors was Scarlet's sister. We made the card for her, with her name, and put it on Matt's door. For sure he was coming. The card clearly said 'A service on the lovely memory of Chloe Jackson'. No way he was missing this, after all this is what he wanted. Mark reached me to tie my tie again. I messed that up at least five times and I was getting pretty annoyed by it. Once he was done with my tie he put his hands on my shoulders and smiled. He was almost laughing. He punched my arm softly and said 'Good luck, bro'. I laughed loudly and grabbed his hand leading us to our seats. The service was starting and my task was to keep an eye on the door. We planned to keep the acting the whole service. We didn't want Matt to get suspicious about it.

Mark's speech was the last and Matt appeared for this one. In front of everyone, Mark started talking.

"Chloe was an amazing person. I didn't get the chance to spend more time with her before she was gone. But was enough to love her and I'd give everything to get her back – He cried. God, he was a good actor. He wiped the tears with his hand and kept talking. But before he could say something else Matt entered the church. Mark looked at him and tightened his gap around the paper ­– I wish her family was here to hear all those nice things everyone's been saying about her but her parents are on a deep depression because of this. First Ethan, now Chloe. This is too much for them, so I'm asking you for support, they need people there for them. Thanks – He walked to the coffin and said 'I love you' loud enough for Matt to hear, he then turned around and ran towards Matt. Mark pulled him up against the wall and punched him on the face – How you dare coming here?! I don't know who told you about this service but listen to me 'cause you're not welcome on this funeral you son of a bitch! – Matt smiled and told Mark almost whispering.

-I just wanted to see the body, but the coffin's closed, she must look really bad! It doesn't matter, seeing how miserable and pathetic you look right now was reward enough ­– Mark let go of him. Matt walked to the door but before going out, he left a purple rose on one of the chairs. It was just like the ones he gave me on our first date. That motherfucker said 'purple roses for our loved ones'. It made me sick.

Once he walked through the door a bunch of us got up. The Maddens, Dirty Mind, Animal Farm, Kellin Quinn and every security guard we could find. I walked out of the church last, not without taking the damn purple rose with me. We hopped on five cars, all of them rented by the Maddens, and followed Matt trying to keep a good distance. Of course we never followed someone like this but we tried to make some kind of driving plan to make sure non of us would lose track of him. We ended up at his apartment. That shit was feeling safe enough to keep Jess in his home! He got onto the building of his place and we went to the door quickly. This is when Kellin shows off all of his charm. He walked straight to the guy on the door and smiled playfully at him.

-So, you may know who I am, don't you? ­– Kellin started. The guy was smiling and nodding furiously. Kellin kept talking – How old are you? 50? You must have some teenagers at home, don't you? Let's make a deal, If you let my friends and I into this building I can give you some autographs for your kids. What do you think about that? – He didn't seem so convinced, so Kellin tried something different – You'll see, we want to surprise a friend, she lives on the second floor. If we call from the speaker it won't be a surprise anymore. C'mon, call your kids now and they can get pics too – That was enough. Of course we weren't going to see Scarlet's sister, but it was a good excuse to get into Matt's apartment. The guy let us in and Kellin stayed with him.

The whole time running up the stairs my head was pounding. I had a tight grip on the rose and I wanted to shove that shit down Matt's throat. Mark was close behind me, I could tell he was really mad, and to be honest, I wanted Mark to punch Matt, he's been waiting for that for so long, and he's strong enough to break Matt's nose. I wanted to see that, I wanted to see him bleeding. Blood all over his face. I wanted to hear him cry out in pain and the sound of his bones braking. I wanted him to suffer. I wanted revenge, a cold, painful, long revenge.

We reached the apartment and basically broke down the door. Matt was there, in the center of a weird circle full of signs holding Jess. He was ready to sacrifice her. Before he could grab the knife that was at his side, five security guards tackled him away from Jess. Jack and Sam picked her up and took her out of there, probably to one of the cars. Matt was on the ground, powerless. I walked to him and Mark followed me. I looked at his eyes, he was so scared. I liked it.

-What's wrong Matt? You look like you saw a ghost! ­– He was swallowing loudly and he's skin, once tan and full of color, was pale and looked like a paper, a fragile paper.

-You're dead, Ethan killed you. I... He... You should be dead – He was crying. Mark couldn't take it anymore and punched him straight on the face. Like I dreamed it, I heard the bones of his nose breaking and saw the blood falling from his nose. It was the best sight. Now bleeding and crying I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt.

-Listen to me Matthew Fox and never forget those words: You can't contact a human ever again if I ever know of you talking to someone I'll make you pay for that. Remember, I know how to summon a ghost now.

I threw the rose at him and it fell right on his lap.

-I won't be the one afraid anymore.


Note: THE END!!

YES, WE REACHED THE FUCKING END. The tables turn and our little Chloe became a bit evil, didn't she? It's hard to keep the equilibrium. There's a second book called "There" that's half written and a Spanish version of this book that I'll be publishing, probably, next week. I hurt my hand so it takes me a while to get everything done. 

Thank you so much for reading this, it means so much to me. 

See ya on the next book :3

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