CHAPTER 6: The Marks

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That came back every night for a week. Mark and I didn't sleep that well. Luckily, the shows were still good. The meet and greets were my favorite, I got to meet a lot of fans. They were all so nice to us. Half of the girls were almost peeing themselves looking at Jasper. He's always been the pretty face of the band. Dirty Mind was killing it. The line of their M&G was one of the longest. The days were amazing but the nights... oh god, they were the worst. We told the Madden about That. I'm glad to say, they believed us.

We decided to keep the whole group; Dirty Mind, Kyle, Josh and us, on the same bus for the rest of the tour. It was safer for everyone. That never got into the bus but one night it stayed three hours knocking on Mark and I's window. It was obsessed with the two of us. It hated us, we could see it on its eyes. The Madden were scare. And Mark usually wore big bags under his eyes form the lack of sleep. On the ninth night with this thing chasing us I got the first marks. A black eye was the first one, followed by broken ribs, bruises on my tights, pain on my lower zone (I could barely sit), a non-stopping bleeding nose and a cut on my lower lip. I've seen this sight before. I even had pics of it. Jasper took them the day before Matt raped me. That was bringing them back, I'm sure of that.

-We need to stop this – Mark said cleaning my open wounds. He's been taking care of then since day one. I could say that, at this point, he was one of my best friends – We have to find what this thing is. It's hurting you. I can't let it keep doing this – He was mad at That. We all were. That's when Josh told us his idea.

-I think I have an idea. Why don't we use the Ouija board? I mean, if it's a spirit we may be able to talk to it – it sounded like a good idea. We looked at each other. Mikey stood up and grabbed the Ouija board. We set it on the floor and even before we could put our hands on it That tapped on our window. It was the first time it showed in front of others than Mark and I. The guys were petrified. Aaron had tears running down his face. That was smiling looking at the board on the floor. It looked excited, like it was waiting for us to use it.

-It wants to get in – Kyle said quietly. He was right. It was looking at the board with some kind of hope on its black eyes. Its tongue danced over its lips, tasting on anticipation its victory over us. I took the Ouija board and broke it on multiple parts. That got mad, and for it first time, it talked.

-I'll catch you Chloe Jackson. I'll drink the life out your body. One day soon, you'll leave his side and this tour will end and once you two part ways I'll be able to catch you, touch you, kill you. You're mine Chloe. You're going to pay for what you've done to you-know-who. You're my 'Honey boo' now – Its voice sounded like a mix of many voices. I remembered its words. I repeated them over and over again on my mind. His side. Who's side? Who's protecting me?

-Honey boo – I said softly. Matt used to call me his Honey boo. My marks started to hurt. That laughed hysterically. It was enjoying my pain. My whole body hurt. I was like being raped all over again. I cried. I couldn't take it anymore. The guys run to me and tried to make it stop. It was useless. Jasper was desperate. The pain was overwhelming. Mark knelt to my side and caressed my forehead while Jasper went for a bottle of water. On the exact moment Mark touched me everything stopped. He literally took the pain away. That suddenly stopped laughing and started yelling. It was angry, like Mark just ruined its fun. And he did. It pounded on the window and growled at Mark but he didn't let go of me. He was the one protecting me. That was talking about him but, why Mark? And what's this thing? Why does it called me Honey boo? Then the answer hit me.



Note: Awwwww, I already like 'em together :3 When I made this ship it naturally became something important on the story, I couldn't help it, it just happened and I'm really happy about it. It changed the whole story.

That really hates Chloe, poor girl. 

Hope you liked the chapter :)

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