Chapter 1 What's Hogwarts?

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I shivered in my damp clothes as I struggled to scrub the grimy floor. My hands bleed from scrubbing all day long. I sigh angrily as Miss. Patin smirked as she walked past me. She kicked the bucket of soapy water as she went toward the doorway.
"Whoops! " she giggled, glaring at me with hate. "Oh Eleanor clean this up now!" She yelled before leaving the room. I threw my hands up in anger. I hate it here! This stupid orphanage was supposed to help me feel like I had a family, not like a prison.Miss Patin made it her wish to ruin my life when I showed up at this place at age 2. Apparently I had an Uncle who had taken care of me because no one knew who my parents were. But he had to leave me because he was stuck in a dangerous situation. That's pretty much all he left me on a small note he gave Miss Patin when he dropped me off here. I always wondered why my Uncle had to leave me in this terrible place but he promised to come back for me. I finished mobbing up the soapy water and dumped it down the drain. I looked out the window and saw the sun going down behind the hills. I sighed in relief as I walked up to my room exhausted. I made my way up the rickety stairs and to the smallest bedroom at the end of the hall. I quickly shut the door behind me and fell on my bed face first. Another long day of working like a slave. Many of the other kids were also treated terribly but Miss Patin seemed to have it in for me. You see I always seemed to make strange things happen around me. I don't know how or why but it's weird. I once got mad at a boy named Eddy Douglas because he took my diary and ran around yelling my secrets for the whole orphanage to hear that I hung him from the ceiling. I know it was me I just don't know HOW it happened. I imagined getting him back for taking my things and suddenly he was hanging by invisible cords from the ceiling revealing his whitey tighties to all of us. I laughed so hard even though I was puzzled. How did it he get there? What did I do? Miss Patin seemed to believe it was me too. She made me do unnatural jobs for her for a month. And I wasn't allowed dinner for a week. Well that was normal, I usually wasn't allowed dinner for reasons unknown. My hand sneaks under my pillow and grasps onto a small envelope. Inside was the letter that was left with me when I was a baby. I still read it every night just to imagine that I once had a family. It read,

Dearest Eleanor (Elle),
I'm sorry that I had to give you up. I didn't have a choice it was the only way to keep you safe. Your father has gotten himself in a sticky situation and it's best you not know who he is yet. One day we will meet again and you will learn everything. I hope you will still want to live with me after all of this nonsense is sorted out. I really did love you and so did your father and that's why we put you in the orphanage to keep you safe. I will come back to get you darling. Your father and I love you dearly. I hope you can forgive me Eleanor.
Love, Uncle L

I stared at the letter for a minute before tucking it away. It gave me hope that maybe one day he would come back for me. And of course I would forgive him. I have no one here since Dallas left. he was adopted a year ago. He was my only friend here at the orphanage. Being only a year older than me meant we got along pretty well. He also stood up for me when the other children decided to pick on me. They all saw me as a freak since what happened to Eddy. They hit me and beat me. When Dallas left the beating got worse and Miss Patin did absolutely nothing to stop them. In fact she encouraged them. I winced as I felt my most recent bruise from an older girl on the side of my ribs. Dallas was the only one who I ever called a friend, now he was gone too. I climbed under the covers on my tiny cot and fell into an uneasy sleep.

1 month later

"Hey Elleeeeeee where do you think you're going?" a loud annoying voice taunted behind me. I jumped and tried to scurry away faster. Suddenly I was yanked back by my hair and in a boy's large arms. I squirmed uncomfortably as I heard other male voices laughing.
"Elle,Baby why are you trying to get away?" The boy whispered in my ear. I shiver as his hot breath traveled down my neck.
"Let me go Johnny." I muttered trying to pry his abnormally large arms off of me. He just clutched me to his body tighter.
"Ya know Elle, I always wanted you. But Dallas was always in the way." Johnny smirked at me his brown hair falling in his face. I froze, Dallas always knew how to get the guys at the orphanage to leave me alone. My eyes grew wide as I felt his lips on my neck. I gasped and tried to kick him in the shins. He growled and grabbed my thighs. His friends laughed and closed in on me. Tears streamed down my face. This was so wrong. I need my Dallas. Suddenly the doorbell could be heard downstairs. Johnny and his friends grew silent as we listened. We heard Miss Patin at the door.
"Hello sir can I help you?" she snapped at him. Miss Patin hated when we were adopted because then she wasn't paid as much money to take care of us.
"Yes ma'am," a lofty voice drifted up the stairs. "I'm searching for a young lady named Eleanor. Can I speak with her?"
"why do you want to talk to that freak?" Miss Patin growled in shock. I felt anger boil inside me. I. Am. Not. A. Freak. Johnny looked at me with questioning eyes. No one usually wished to see me or even considered adopting me after listening to Miss Patin's stories.
"I wish to talk to her Ma'am. please." he added as an afterthought. I could tell from even up the stairs that Miss Patin was glaring at this man.
"If you must then." She grumbled and the door was slammed shut. The boys turned back to me with grins.
"Where were we babe?" Johnny laughs and grips my leg. I whimper and try again to squirm away. I glare at them all angrily.
" Boys!" someone yelled behind us at the foot of the stairs. The boys all froze and turned around smiling at Miss Patin. A man stood behind her. He looked strange. He had a long white beard that went down below his belt and he wore a robe of a deep blue. He had a look of utmost horror at the sight in front of him. I had a feeling it didn't look great. With all the boys with their hands on me and tears running down my face.
"Boys," Miss Patin said in a sickly sweet voice. "what are you doing? Elle here has a visitor." She waved her hand toward the man.
"Nothing Miss Patin. Just talking to Elle here." Johnny said stepping away from me smiling. He and the boys began their way back down the stares. Johnny turned to me at the last second and winked. I knew he would come back for me later. I shivered and threw my best glare in his direction. Miss Patin lead the man to my small bedroom with me following behind. I turned to the man as Miss Patin closed the door behind her. I gave him a curious look.
"I'm not a freak you know," I muttered. "I don't need help."
The man's eyes twinkled as he chuckled at me.
"Miss Eleanor I don't think you're a freak, in fact you are just like me." I didn't say anything I just looked at him quizzicaly." I'm Albus Dumbledore headmaster at Hogwarts, and I want you to attend my school." he smiled at me.
"Hogwarts?" I laughed crossing my arms. "Funny name isn't it?"
"It's a school for people like you and me Eleanor." Dumbledore put simply.
I looked at him curiously, "And what exactly are WE?" I asked cocking my head to the side.
He took a deep breath, "You my dear are a witch and I'm a wizard." he smiled at me. I let the thought sink in.
"Prove it sir." I asked politely.
He gave me a wide smile and took a stick out of his robes. I assume it's a wand that he uses for his magic.
"Opungo." he says clearly waving his wand slightly. A few golden birds shot out of his wand and flew gracefully out my small window. I stared at him open mouthed.
"Oh my....Your telling the truth!" I squealed excitedly. He nodded at me and stroked his beard.
"Now Eleanor I was going to have you stay here until the term started in September but...." he trailed off his eyebrows screwed in concentration. "From what I saw on the stairs earlier it seems as though you are not in the safest place. Am I right?" He looked at me through his spectacles. I simply gave a small nod. if I said anything and Miss Patin heard well...I don't want to talk about it. "Well then how about....." He twirled his wand in his fingers. "Yes that would be perfect, you two would get on greatly." I heard him muttering to himself, "Hagrid's with him now telling him so they would be in the same year and everything so then they would meet and be friends.....Perfect!" he finally turned to me. "Eleanor I know of a wizarding family that is one of the kindest I know and they would be willing to take you in until school starts...would you mind staying with them?" He asked looking at me with a smile. I felt butterflies in my stomach. Me leave the orphanage!?
"Yes!! Oh course!!" I jumped of clapping my hands together, "Please get me out of here!" I whispered to him pleading. He chucked at my response.
"You are a funny one dear, and have quite a spunky side. Perfect for the Weasley's household!" He stood up to shake my hand.
"I shall have the Weasley's pick you up tomorrow morning. they'll help you get your supplies and I will have your letter sent there." he patted my back, "I shall go talk to Miss Patin about you leaving, see you at school Miss Eleanor!" he waved as he walked out the door. Once I heard the lock click I let out a little squeal of excitement. I was a witch. I was going to a wizarding school. I get to leave the orphanage. I was going to sort of have a family. I danced around happily for a moment. Then I realized I needed to pack my things. I grabbed my trunk from under my bed and started to throw my clothes into it. I didn't have much. I lastly put the letter from my uncle on top and my picture of me and Dallas hugging with it. Overall only half of the trunk was filled. Shrugging I shut it with a snap and climbed into my cot. I curled up with the small blanket and sighed happily. I didn't need dinner I could not wait for tomorrow to come!

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