Night seven

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Harry crawls through his window and almost shuts it completely. He told his mom he was going to bed and locked his door so she wouldn't check up on him.

He was actually going to Louis' and he's hoping Louis won't care if he spends the night.

He looks through his window and sees him siting on his bed, textbooks all around. His glasses are perched on his nose and Harry can't believe how cute he looks right now.

He smiles and taps on the window. Louis looks up and smiles, jumping off his bed and opening the window.

"Hey, H."

"Hi, Lou. Can I spend the night?"

"Sure. Just go lock my door."

Harry nods and climbs through. He shuts Louis' window and then goes to lock his door.

He turns around to see Louis is back to studying. He's scribbling notes and his glasses keep falling down his face in the cutest way.

"Are you just studying tonight?"

Louis looks up and gives Harry an apologetic smile.

"Yeah, I'm sorry. You can come lie down though," Louis says and he pats the spot behind him. Harry walks over and lies down. He notices that Louis is wearing one of his shirts. It's too big on him and Harry loves seeing Louis in his clothes.

Harry is actually wearing Louis' hoodie from yesterday. He loves how it smells like him and it's just so comfy.

"I love when you wear your glasses," Harry randomly says.

Louis looks backs at Harry and gives him a shy smile. He's really self conscious about his glasses.

"Really? I feel like a total geek."

"They're cute. You should wear them more."

Louis blushes and turns back around. "Maybe I will," he mumbles. Harry just smiles and closes his eyes. He relaxes into Louis' soft bed and he just thinks.

Louis is popular. He's captain of the soccer team, he gets good grades and he's just an overall nice guy.

Harry's also popular, just not as much. He's in a lot of clubs and people just tend to like him.

The thing Harry likes most about his and Louis' relationship though is the fact that they don't see each other as two popular people. Harry looks at Louis and sees the little boy that kissed him in the tree. He sees the boy that cried the first time they ever fought and he sees the boy that made him a homemade card on valentines day this year.

Harry sees the insecure and quiet Louis, but also the confident and loud one. He's seen every part of Louis and Louis has seen every part of him. They understand each other like no one else can.

That's why he's not worried about tomorrow at school. He knows Louis will be by his side and he'll be whatever Harry needs. Just like Harry will be whatever he needs.

People will see them as the two popular guys that hooked up, but they're not. They're Louis and Harry; the two boys that- before Louis got caught drinking by the cops and forbidden to see him -we're inseparable.

Harry smiles at the thought of them finally coming out. He can't tell his mom yet, she'll freak, but he can tell the school.

He drifts off thinking about holding Louis' hand in the hall and kissing him all the time.

Louis is still scribbling notes and his hand is starting to cramp. He finishes the last sentence and let's out a quiet cheer. He turns to tell Harry, but Harry is out cold.

Louis smiles at the boy. He looks so cute sleeping in Louis' hoodie on Louis' bed. His lips are slightly parted and his arm is lying across his stomach.

Louis throws his books into his bag and then walks over to turn off his light. He slips out of his jeans, but keeps Harrys shirt on. He climbs into bed next to him and he feels Harry stir.

"Can I take off my pants?" Harry mumbles out.

"mm," Louis replies because he's tired. He feels Harry sit up and then wiggle out of his sweats. Harry throws them on the floor and then turns so he can cuddle with Louis.

Louis just melts into Harrys chest. He can't wait to go to school tomorrow because he can show everyone that Harry is his.

Both the boys fall asleep in each others arms, happy about what tomorrow brings.

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